minipdf is a package for creating simple, single-page PDF documents.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

See the online documentation here (thanks to pkgdown)


doc <- PDFDocument$new(width = 200, height = 60, fontname = 'Helvetica-Bold')
doc$rect(0, 0, 200, 60, fill = '#123456', stroke = NULL)
doc$text("Hello World!", x = 10, y = 15, fontsize = 20, fill = 'white')
doc$line(0, 10, 200, 10, stroke = 'grey80')

Creating geometric patterns

By copying and modifying/transforming a basic shape (e.g. a diamond) complex patterns can be built.

xs <- c(0, 75, 150, 75, 0)
ys <- c(0, -50, 0, 50, 0)
diamond <- PDFPolygon$new(xs = xs, ys = ys, stroke = NULL)
d1a <- diamond$copy()$fill('darkred')$translate(  0,  50)
d1b <- diamond$copy()$fill('#123456')$translate(150,  50)
d1c <- diamond$copy()$fill('darkred')$translate(300,  50)
d2a <- diamond$copy()$fill('#123456')$translate(  0, 150)
d2b <- diamond$copy()$fill('darkred')$translate(150, 150)
d2c <- diamond$copy()$fill('#123456')$translate(300, 150)
d3  <- diamond$copy()$fill('#12345630')$
  translate(75, 100)$scale(2)
doc <- pdf_doc(width = 450, height = 200, d1a, d1b, d1c, d2a, d2b, d2c, d3)

Supported features

  • Documents with a single page only
  • Only one font per document (set during initialization)
  • Objects: Text, lines, polylines, polygons, rectangles and circles
  • Attributes: Fill colour (including alpha), stroke colour (including alpha), linewidth, linetype
  • Clipping regions - per object clipping region as well as the global document clipping region.

Currently there is no support for annotations or any sort of text layout.


  • minipdf v0.2.1 and minidf v0.2.2
    • transforms are now methods on the PDF stream objects
    • renamed methods on the PDFDcoument e.g. add_rect() is now just rect()
    • internal refactoring of attribute handling.