Finding a length n needle in a haystack

Problem: Find index of a short vector (needle) inside a larger vector (haystack)

What’s a good way to find the location of a needle in a haystack?

haystack <- sample(0:12, size = 2000, replace = TRUE)
needle   <- c(2L, 10L, 8L) 
  • The haystack may be large.
  • The needle is definitely a vector
  • Only the index for the first occurrence of needle within haystack is needed
  • Assuming that there is always at least 1 occurrence

Solution 1: for loop

  • Naively test every position in a for loop
  • Advantage of this method over a vectorised approach, is that it can terminate early i.e. as soon as a value is found
forloop_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  n <- length(needle) - 1L
  for (i in seq(haystack)) {
    if (identical(haystack[i:(i+n)], needle)) {

forloop_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 2: vapply

vapply_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  n <- length(needle) - 1L
  which(vapply(seq(haystack), function(i) {identical(haystack[i:(i+n)], needle)}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))[1L]

vapply_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 3: zoo::rollapply

rollapply_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  which(zoo::rollapply(haystack, length(needle), identical, needle))[1L]

rollapply_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 4: stacked lead() finding

  • for each item in the needle
    • shift the haystack and check for the needle element
    • stack the shifted haystacks and sum them
    • check where sum == length(needle)
lead_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  v  <- haystack == needle[1]
  for (i in seq(2, length(needle))) {
    v <- v + (lead(haystack, i-1L) == needle[i])
  which(v == length(needle))[1L]

lead_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 5: shift

  • data.table::shift is a vectorised version of dplyr::lead()
  • Adapted from user “Jaap” on stackoverflow
shift_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  shifted_haystack <- data.table::shift(haystack, type='lead', 0:(length(needle)-1))
  v <- Map('==', shifted_haystack, needle)
  v <- Reduce('+', v)
  which(v == length(needle))[1]

shift_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 5: Rcpp for loop

  • update 2018-04-04
    • Shaved a few % points off the runtime by using the value of j instead of an explicit match count.
Rcpp::cppFunction('int rcpp_find(NumericVector needle, NumericVector haystack) {
    int needle_length   = needle.size();
    int haystack_length = haystack.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < (haystack_length - needle_length); i++ ) {
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < needle_length; j++ ) {
                if (needle[j] != haystack[i + j]) {

        if (j == needle_length) {



rcpp_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 6: pile find (by dmytro)

  • dmytro on twitter offered this one.
pile_find <- function(needle, haystack) { 
  index <- seq_along(haystack) 
  for (i in seq_along(needle)) { 
    pile <- haystack[index] 
    index <- index[pile==needle[i]] + 1L

pile_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 7: Sieved find (by carroll_jono)

  • carroll_jono on twitter offered this one.
  • This is the fastest of the pure-R methods.
sieved_find <- function(needle, haystack) { 
  sieved <- which(haystack == needle[1L]) 
  for (i in, length(needle)-1L)) {
    sieved <- sieved[haystack[sieved + i] == needle[i + 1L]]

sieved_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 8: Coerce to string and use grep

  • Convert each integer into a string e.g. c(1, 2, 3) becomes “001.002.003”
  • Current tests are with integers less than 1000, so I’m safe to use %03i as a format string.
grep_find <- function(needle, haystack) {
  expanded_width <- 4  # 3 digits plus a "."
  res <- stringr::str_locate_all(paste(sprintf("%03i", haystack), collapse="."), paste(sprintf("%03i", needle), collapse="."))[[1]][,1][[1]]
  (res-1)/expanded_width + 1

grep_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 9: Idomatic C++ solution hrbrmstr

Rcpp::cppFunction('int idiomaticrcpp_find(NumericVector needle, NumericVector haystack) {
  NumericVector::iterator it;
  it = std::search(haystack.begin(), haystack.end(), needle.begin(), needle.end());
  int pos = it - haystack.begin() + 1;
  if (pos > haystack.size()) pos = -1;

idiomaticrcpp_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

Solution 10: Rcpp boyer-moore jimhester

  • Boyer-Moore implementation in Rcpp by jimhester
boyermoorecpp_find(needle, haystack)
## [1] 931

needle is in the middle of the haystack

Table 1: needle in middle of haystack. microbenchmark() timings for 1000 runs - times are in microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
rollapply_find(needle, haystack) 64622.974 67946.554 78132.17233 80610.9880 83993.7715 261446.362 1000
vapply_find(needle, haystack) 15304.346 16611.288 20492.53295 17070.3485 18881.6200 47565.512 1000
lead_find(needle, haystack) 6057.255 7833.419 14920.53701 8950.0515 18850.4280 199884.346 1000
shift_find(needle, haystack) 2809.894 3108.799 6250.15134 3670.6565 4361.3965 183883.048 1000
forloop_find(needle, haystack) 4768.181 5269.440 6790.98958 5457.1060 5717.7130 29957.481 1000
grep_find(needle, haystack) 3844.324 4002.460 4402.40560 4065.0250 4173.2350 184611.679 1000
pile_find(needle, haystack) 86.056 97.890 289.28966 102.9325 109.6500 21766.544 1000
sieved_find(needle, haystack) 41.337 53.283 75.26908 57.4095 63.0490 7256.632 1000
rcpp_find(needle, haystack) 16.063 22.517 38.00685 27.7005 31.9475 5173.280 1000
idiomaticrcpp_find(needle, haystack) 12.401 20.561 98.40539 25.3500 29.7495 20635.513 1000
boyermoorecpp_find(needle, haystack) 13.654 23.306 86.19733 28.1015 32.6330 23749.599 1000

needle is very close to beginning of haystack

The for loop and rcpp are the only methods to benefit from a needle that is thought to be at the beginning of the haystack i.e. they can both return early as soon as they find match.

When the needle is close to the beginning of the haystack, then the searching time is very short, and the for loop is quite competitive with custom Rcpp code.

Table 2: needle near start of haystack. microbenchmark() timings for 1000 runs - times are in microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
pile_find(needle, haystack) 71.184 126.9605 177.69453 138.3465 163.8710 13695.14 1000
sieved_find(needle, haystack) 46.268 69.6190 83.41948 76.2080 89.6610 223.01 1000
forloop_find(needle, haystack) 23.804 30.7580 53.60288 34.7525 45.3105 11729.11 1000
rcpp_find(needle, haystack) 14.483 47.9385 72.01494 53.3860 62.0890 12677.34 1000
boyermoorecpp_find(needle, haystack) 16.315 51.0210 97.70492 56.7190 67.5945 13618.62 1000



  • Rcpp is the fastest way. No real difference between my C-style of C++ and idiomatic C++
  • Boyer-Moore in Rcpp no faster than a vanilla solution for current benchmark sizes
  • For a pure R solution, the sieve_find() method is fastest and very competitive with Rcpp