Interleaving vectors and matrices - part 3

Yesterday’s request for help got some great replies on twitter. I’ve collected them in this post and benchmarked them.

No one (besides myself) had the sheer audacity to inflict a for loop upon the world.

Huge thanks to the following people for their ideas! (in order of appearance)

Interleaving a row-vector with a matrix of the same width

I have a vector a row-vector and matrix of equal width

vec <- c(101, 102, 103)
mat <- matrix(c( 1,  2,  3,
                 4,  5,  6,
                 7,  8,  9,
                10, 11, 12), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)

Expected output after interleaving by column

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

My solution

This was my initial solution. I was concerned about whether the for loop could be done away with.

I did try a couple of solutions with an explicit rep() to try and avoid the for loop, but found the overhead of the extra memory allocation slowed things down.

#' Interleave a matrix and a row-vector of the same width
#'  * Create an empty matrix of double the width
#'  * Copy over the given matrix
#'  * Copy over the vector (using a for loop. quelle horreur!)
#' @param m NxM matrix
#' @param v vector of length M
#' @return N x M*2 matrix
interleave_coolbutuseless <- function(mat, vec) {
  res <- matrix(0, ncol = 2L * ncol(mat), nrow = nrow(mat))
  res[,c(T, F)] <- mat
  for (i in seq_along(vec)) {
    res[,2L * i] <- vec[i]

interleave_coolbutuseless(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Stuart Lee

interleave_stuartlee <- function(mat, vec) { 
  res <- matrix(0, ncol = 2L * ncol(mat), nrow = nrow(mat)) 
  res[, c(TRUE, FALSE)] <- mat 
  res[, c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- sort(rep(vec, nrow(mat))) 

interleave_stuartlee(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Gabe Becker

interleave_groundwalkgmb <- function(mat, vec) {
  vm       <- matrix(rep(vec, nrow(mat)), ncol = ncol(mat), byrow=TRUE) 
  res      <- rbind(mat, vm) 
  dim(res) <- c(nrow(mat), 2L * ncol(mat))

interleave_groundwalkgmb(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solutions by Kara Woo

interleave_kara_woo_1 <- function(mat, vec) { 
  t(apply(mat, 1, function(x) unlist(purrr::map2(x, vec, c)))) 

interleave_kara_woo_1(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103
interleave_kara_woo_2 <- function(mat, vec) { 
  t(apply(mat, 1, function(x) unlist(mapply(c, x, vec)))) 

interleave_kara_woo_2(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Michael Sumner

interleave_mdsumner <- function(mat, vec) {
      matrix(rep(vec, each = nrow(mat)), ncol = ncol(mat))
    nrow = nrow(mat)

interleave_mdsumner(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Jake Westfall

interleave_CookieSci <- function(mat, vec) {
  Reduce(cbind, vec, mat)[,c(rbind(seq(vec), seq(vec)+length(vec)))]

interleave_CookieSci(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Brodie Gaslam

interleave_BrodieGaslam <- function(mat, vec) {
  matrix( aperm( array(c(mat, rep(vec, each=nrow(mat))), dim=c(dim(mat), 2)), c(1, 3, 2) ), nrow(mat) )

interleave_BrodieGaslam(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by Brendan Knapp

interleave_knapply <- function(mat, vec) { 
  matrix(rbind(mat, matrix(vec, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat), byrow = TRUE)), nrow = nrow(mat)) 

interleave_knapply(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solutions by Edward Visel

interleave_alistaire_1 <- function(mat, vec) { 
  res <- array(dim = dim(mat) * 1:2)
  abind::afill(res, T, c(T, F)) <- mat
  abind::afill(res, T, c(F, T)) <- t(array(vec, rev(dim(mat))))

interleave_alistaire_1(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103
interleave_alistaire_2 <- function(mat, vec) { 
  res <- array(dim = dim(mat) * 1:2)
  res[, c(T, F)] <- mat
  res[, c(F, T)] <- t(array(vec, rev(dim(mat))))

interleave_alistaire_2(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103

Solution by David Mas-Ponte

interleave_davidmaasp <- function(mat, vec) { 
  new_idx         <- (1:ncol(mat)*2)-1 
  inter_idx       <- (1:ncol(mat)*2) 
  res             <- matrix(0, ncol = 2L * ncol(mat), nrow = nrow(mat))
  res[,new_idx]   <- mat
  res[,inter_idx] <- matrix(rep(vec, nrow(mat)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=length(vec)) 

interleave_davidmaasp(mat, vec)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,]    1  101    2  102    3  103
[2,]    4  101    5  102    6  103
[3,]    7  101    8  102    9  103
[4,]   10  101   11  102   12  103


I’m only benchmarking for my my target problem size, but changing the dimensions of the initial matrix and vector changes the benchmarking results. Buyer beware!

N <- 1000
M <- 10
mat <- matrix(seq(M*N), nrow = N, ncol = M)
vec <- seq(M) + 100

res <- bench::mark(
  interleave_coolbutuseless(mat, vec),
  interleave_stuartlee(mat, vec), #
  interleave_groundwalkgmb(mat, vec),# 
  interleave_kara_woo_1(mat, vec),
  interleave_kara_woo_2(mat, vec),
  interleave_mdsumner(mat, vec), 
  interleave_CookieSci(mat, vec),
  interleave_BrodieGaslam(mat, vec),
  interleave_knapply(mat, vec),
  interleave_alistaire_1(mat, vec),
  interleave_alistaire_2(mat, vec),
  interleave_davidmaasp(mat, vec),
  check = TRUE
Table 1: Benchmarking results
expression median itr/sec mem_alloc
interleave_coolbutuseless(mat, vec) 134.49µs 5502 199.78KB
interleave_stuartlee(mat, vec) 532.61µs 1604 394.38KB
interleave_groundwalkgmb(mat, vec) 237.49µs 3288 348.19KB
interleave_kara_woo_1(mat, vec) 127.77ms 8 757.59KB
interleave_kara_woo_2(mat, vec) 37.27ms 24 946.52KB
interleave_mdsumner(mat, vec) 496.8µs 1639 484.12KB
interleave_CookieSci(mat, vec) 831.47µs 922 1.39MB
interleave_BrodieGaslam(mat, vec) 689.41µs 1070 725.27KB
interleave_knapply(mat, vec) 258.12µs 3060 406.51KB
interleave_alistaire_1(mat, vec) 4.94ms 186 767.38KB
interleave_alistaire_2(mat, vec) 321.57µs 2372 516.99KB
interleave_davidmaasp(mat, vec) 225.02µs 3472 320.55KB
Loading required namespace: tidyr

And the winner is …

  • There’s not that much speed difference between the fastest methods.
  • Across a wider variety of benchmarks than I’ve shown here, Gabe Becker’s solution was often fastest.
  • My for loop method is on par with others for my target dimensions (and has the added bonus of lowest memory allocatiions).