8 out of 10 cats does countdown - part 2

An error in the previous solution

Claus Ekstrom pointed out to me that my previous solution won’t actually find all possible solutions to the Countdown numbers puzzle. i.e.

This post includes a totally re-written solution which correctly finds all solutions.

In doing the re-write, this proper solution can be even faster than the old one!


  • Runtime for 6 input numbers is about 10 seconds (if limited to only finding integer solutions)
  • If you’d like all ~8 million results of all possible expressions involving the 6 numbers (including floating point and NaNs), the runtime is about 50 seconds.

Alternate solutions

Puzzle Recap: 8 out of 10 cats does Countdown

The number puzzle segment of the show goes something like this:

  1. 6 numbers are selected randomly
  2. A target number is displayed.
  3. Panellists must use basic arithmetic to produce the target number from some/all of the 6 given numbers

Below on the left is the setup for a typical puzzle, and on the right are some attempts by panellists at a solution, with a correct solution shown on the RHS of the whiteboard

For this example problem the given numbers and target are:

  • Given numbers: 50, 9, 4, 5, 9, 3
  • Target: 952

The solution on the RHS of the whiteboard is:

((50 * 5) - 9 - 3) * 4
## [1] 952

Assumptions that are never really stated, but all puzzles seem to adhere by:

  • only using +, -, *, /
  • Intermediate results are always integers
  • Not necessary to use all the given numbers

Solution #2

  • Generate all possible expression trees
  • Build up expressions from the leaves, doing simple evaluations at each node
  • i.e. Never try and evaluate the full expression from scratch - always evaluate it as a simple operation of the values returned in the subtrees.
  • Uses memoisation to cache the results of subtrees so that similar subtrees are only ever evaluated once.
# Generate and evaluate all possible expressions from the given numbers
# @param nums vector of integers
# @param integer_only only generate integer solutions?  default: TRUE
# @return list with 2 elements. 'exprs' which is the character vector of all
#         possible expressions.  'values' which is the numeric vector of the
#         evaluation of each of those expressions
generate_exprs_ <- function(nums, integer_only = TRUE) {
  # Recursive function termination condition - only 1 number given
  if (length(nums) == 1L) {
    return(list(exprs = as.character(nums), values = nums))
  # For the given length of 'nums', what are all the possible ways
  # we could split these numbers into 2 groups?
  # See appendix for definition
  splits <- all_splits[[length(nums)]]
  # This is where I'll be storing the solutions
  exprs  <- character(0)
  values <- numeric(0)
  # Evaluate every possible combination of numbers for every possible 
  # arithmetic op.  For non-commutative operations, need to evaluate a second
  # time with arguments in reverse order
  for (split in splits) {
    # Generate all the possible subtrees from this node
    lhs <- generate_exprs(nums[split[[1]]], integer_only) # use memoised version
    rhs <- generate_exprs(nums[split[[2]]], integer_only) # use memoised version
    # Build the expression string for each possible combination of 
    # left and right expression subtrees
    L <- rep(lhs$exprs, times = length(rhs$exprs))
    R <- rep(rhs$exprs, each  = length(lhs$exprs))
    exprs <- c(
      paste0("(", L, " - ", R, ")"),
      paste0("(", L, " / ", R, ")"),
      paste0("(", L, " + ", R, ")"),
      paste0("(", L, " * ", R, ")"),
      paste0("(", R, " - ", L, ")"),
      paste0("(", R, " / ", L, ")")
    # Perform each possible operation on each possible combination of 
    # left and right value subtrees
    L <- rep(lhs$values, times = length(rhs$values))
    R <- rep(rhs$values, each  = length(lhs$values))
    values<- c(
      L - R,
      L / R,
      L + R,
      L * R,
      R - L,
      R / L
  # Filter solutions to only keep unique solutions.
  # Filter out non-integer solutions if requested.
  if (integer_only) {
    accept <- !duplicated(exprs) & is.finite(values) & values == round(values)
  } else {
    accept <- !duplicated(exprs)
  list(exprs=exprs[accept], values=values[accept])

# Memoise the generation of expressions for any list of numbers
# This eliminates having to ever calculate the expressions for the same list
# of numbers a second time.
generate_exprs <- memoise::memoise(generate_exprs_)

# Recursively generate all possible expressions for a set of numbers.
# For a given list of numbers, generate all expressions for these numbers
# and all possible sub-sets of these numbers. this way if nums = c(1, 3, 4)
# and target = 12, the solutions will include (1 * 3 * 4) as well as (3 * 4)
generate_all_exprs <- function(nums, integer_only = TRUE) {
  exprs  <- character(0)
  values <- numeric(0)
  if (length(nums) == 1L)  {
    return(list(exprs = as.character(nums), values = nums))
  nums <- sort(nums)
  # Solve the sub-problems
  for (i in seq_along(nums)) {
    this_res <- generate_all_exprs(nums[-i], integer_only)
    exprs    <- c(exprs , this_res$exprs )
    values   <- c(values, this_res$values)
  # Solve this problem
  this_res <- generate_exprs(nums, integer_only)
  exprs    <- c(exprs , this_res$exprs )
  values   <- c(values, this_res$values)
  accept <- !duplicated(exprs)
  list(exprs = exprs[accept], values = values[accept])

# Solve the countown problem
# Generate all possible expressions with an integer result and then filter
# only for those which evaluate to the target number
solve_countdown <- function(nums, target) {
  res <- generate_all_exprs(sort(nums), integer_only = TRUE)
  res$exprs[res$values == target]
## $exprs
## [1] "2"       "1"       "(1 - 2)" "(1 + 2)" "(1 * 2)" "(2 - 1)" "(2 / 1)"
## $values
## [1]  2  1 -1  3  2  1  2
generate_all_exprs(1:2, integer_only = FALSE)
## $exprs
## [1] "2"       "1"       "(1 - 2)" "(1 / 2)" "(1 + 2)" "(1 * 2)" "(2 - 1)"
## [8] "(2 / 1)"
## $values
## [1]  2.0  1.0 -1.0  0.5  3.0  2.0  1.0  2.0
  nums   <- c(50, 9, 4, 5, 9, 3)
  target <- 952
  res    <- solve_countdown(nums, target)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   6.800   0.401   7.218
  target <- 404
  nums   <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 100)
  res    <- solve_countdown(nums, target)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.204   0.120   1.346
## [1] "((1 + 1) * ((1 + 1) * (1 + 100)))" "((1 + 1) * ((1 + 100) * (1 + 1)))"
## [3] "((1 + 100) * (1 + (1 + (1 + 1))))" "((1 + 100) * ((1 + 1) + (1 + 1)))"
## [5] "((1 + 100) * ((1 + 1) * (1 + 1)))"


  • Can generate all possible simple arithmetic expressions for 6 numbers in around ~10 seconds (if we limit the results such that must be an integer).
  • If we allow all floating point and NA/Inf expressions, then full generation of all arithmetic expressions for 6 numbers takes about < 1 minute.



# Split 'n' indices into all possible 2 group combinations 
# with 'ngroup' numbers in the first group
# @param n maximum index. 
# @param ngroup number of indices in the first group
# @return list of lists. each innermost list has 2 vectors of disjoint indicies
split_sets <- function(n, by) {
  mat <- combn(seq(n), by)
  if (by == n/2) {
    mat <- mat[, seq(ncol(mat)/2), drop = FALSE]
  res <- apply(mat, 2, list)
  res <- lapply(res, function(x) {list(x[[1]], setdiff(seq(n), x[[1]]))})

# Generate all possible split sets for the given n
all_split_sets <- function(n) {
  nn <- n - 1
  nn <- min(floor(n/2), n-1)
  seq(nn) %>% 
    purrr::map(~split_sets(n, by = .x)) %>%
    unlist(recursive = FALSE)

all_splits <- 1:6 %>% purrr::map(all_split_sets)