Introducing the min package for creating XML documents in R


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minixml is a package for building xml documents in R.

minixml vs xml2

xml2 is a fantastic package for parsing a pre-existing XML file and navigating through it, slicing it etc.

minixml is focussed on creating XML documents by assembling nodes with attributes in a programmatic fashion.


Need to build R6 object alternate initialisation
XML elements XMLElement$new() xml_elem()
XML document XMLDocument$new() xml_doc()

Quick Examples

XML Entity code result
XML elements XMLElement$new('info', "Hello there") <info>Hello there</info>
XML elements xml_elem('info', 'Hello')$update(date = '2019') <info date="2019">Hello</info>
XML document this_xml <- XMLDocument$new('core'); this_xml$add('info', 'hello') <core><info>hello</info></core>


You can install minixml from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


  • Individual elements can be created in a number of ways.
    • As a stand-alone element
      • new_elem <- XMLElement$new('info', type = 'meta')
      • new_elem <- xml_elem('info', type = 'meta')
    • As a sub-element of an existing document or element - the element is created, added to the parent document (or element) and returned.
      • doc <- XMLDocument$new('xx'); new_elem <- doc$add('info', type = 'meta')
      • elem <- XMLElement$new('xxx'); new_elem <- elem$add('info', type = 'meta')
  • $add() creates an element and adds it to the parent (and returns it)
    • new_elem <- doc$add('info', type = 'meta')
  • $append() appends the given elements as children
    • new_elem <- xml_elem('info', type = 'meta'); doc$append(new_elem, ...)
  • $new(name, ...), $update(...) and $add(name, ...) all accept ... where
    • named arguments are added as attributes of this node
    • unnamed argument are added as children of this node

Simple example

doc <- xml_elem("thing")
  update(style = "color: blue;")$
  add('mytag', "Some example text.")

  <node style="color: blue;">
      Some example text.

Parsing XML into a minixml document

minixml uses xml2 to parse XML text (or file) into a minixml document.

my_xml <- "<eg>Node contents</eg>"
doc <- minixml::parse_xml_elem(my_xml)
doc$update(x = 1, y = 2)$
  add(name = 'inner', 'inner contents')

<eg x="1" y="2">
  Node contents
    inner contents

More complex example: Creating an XML X3D 3d object

X3D is an XML-based 3D object format that is the successor to VRML.

In this example, we’ll build a simple 3D cube to view in the browser.

x3d <- xml_elem("x3d", width = "300px", height="200px")
shape <- x3d$

shape$add("appearance")$add("material", diffuseColor = "0 0 1")

<x3d width="300px" height="200px">
        <material diffuseColor="0 0 1" />
      <box />

View the object

To view the X3D object, include it in an HTML document with the x3dom.js javascript.

The following code will run in an R session as an interactive 3d object browser. On github you’ll just see a short gif.

html <- glue::glue("
  <script type='text/javascript' src=''> </script> 
<body>     {x3d}     </body> 
