Introducing 'displease' - a package for non-linear numeric inteprolation


The displease package provides non-linear interpolation between numeric values.

It is a replacement for seq() for when you want a sequence between two values which is not equally spaced.

Easing can look much better than strict linear interpolation when applied to objects moving spatially.

displease = displ + ease. The results are often used for animating visual displacement, and the non-linear interpolation is performed by applying an easing function.


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.package('remotes')

What’s in the box?

  • seq_ease(x1, x2, n, type) - create a sequence of length n between x1 and x2. Apply the easing function given by type.
  • type is one of: sine-in, sine-out, sine-in-out, quad-in, quad-out, quad-in-out, cubic-in, cubic-out, cubic-in-out, quart-in, quart-out, quart-in-out, quint-in, quint-out, quint-in-out, exp-in, exp-out, exp-in-out, circle-in, circle-out, circle-in-out, back-in, back-out, back-in-out, elastic-in, elastic-out, elastic-in-out

The following graph shows the seq_ease() output for n = 100 for all the different easing functions with given extens of x1 = 0 and x2 = 1



# normal linear interpolation using seq()
(y_linear       <- seq(1, 10, length.out = 10))
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

# Non-linear interpolation using {displease}
(y_cubic_in     <- seq_ease(1, 10, n=10, type = 'cubic-in'))
 [1]  1.000000  1.012346  1.098765  1.333333  1.790123  2.543210  3.666667
 [8]  5.234568  7.320988 10.000000
(y_cubic_in_out <- seq_ease(1, 10, n=10, type = 'cubic-in-out'))
 [1]  1.000000  1.049383  1.395062  2.333333  4.160494  6.839506  8.666667
 [8]  9.604938  9.950617 10.000000

plot(1:10, y_linear      , type = 'b')

plot(1:10, y_cubic_in    , type = 'b')

plot(1:10, y_cubic_in_out, type = 'b')

Animated example


  • R Core for developing and maintaining such a wonderful language.
  • CRAN maintainers, for patiently shepherding packages onto CRAN and maintaining the repository