Introducing 'cairobasic' - an R6 wrapper around cairocore


R build status

cairobasic is a package which provides a fast canvas for drawing operations.

This is a really demonstration package showing how cairocore may be made more palatable for programming within R.

This package currently only offers some basic drawing tools, but could easily be forked/expanded to suit different needs.

To get the most out of CairoGraphics at this stage, you would still need to use cairocore, but cairobasic will accumulate features based upon user feedback.


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.package('remotes')

Using cairobasic

The cairobasic package provides an R6 class (CairoBasic) which keeps track of context information for rendering and the actual rendering surface.


# Create a new 'CairoBasic' object
width  <- 800
height <- 400
cb     <- CairoBasic$new(width = width, height = height)

# Add concentric circles
N <- 10
  x    = rep(width/2, N),
  y    = 0,
  r    = seq(width, 0, length.out = N),
  fill = '#80808020'

# Add Lines with rainbow colouring
N <- 500
  x1 = rep(width/2, N),
  y1 = 0,
  x2 = seq(1, width, length.out = N),
  y2 = height,
  colour = rainbow(N, alpha = 0.1)

# Add rectangles
N <- 10

xy <- expand.grid(x = seq(1, width/2, width/32), y = seq(1, height, width/32))
xy <- subset(xy, y < width/2 - x - width/16)

  x      = xy$x,
  y      = xy$y,
  width  = width/32,
  height = width/32,
  fill   = terrain.colors(nrow(xy)),
  colour = '#20202020'

# Add polygons
cx  <- width  * 0.85
cy  <- height * 0.35
ang <- seq(0, 2*pi, pi/3)

x1  <- cx + 50 * sin(ang)
y1  <- cy + 50 * cos(ang)

x2  <- cx + 60 * sin(ang)
y2  <- cy + 60 * cos(ang)

x   <- c(x1, x2)
y   <- c(y1, y2)
idx <- as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,   2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))

  x, y, idx, fill = NA, 
  linewidth = 5,
  colour = c('red', 'blue'))

# Add Text
cb$add_text("{cairobasic}", width*0.65 + 1, 10, fontsize = 50, colour = 'white')
cb$add_text("{cairobasic}", width*0.65    , 11, fontsize = 50, colour = '#606060a0')

# Show it
cb$show(interpolate = TRUE)

# Save to PNG

Working with cairocore

Read the cairocore README for more information


cairo_set_source_rgba(cb$cr, 1, 0, 0, 0.3)
cairo_set_line_width(cb$cr, 10)
cairo_set_dash(cb$cr, c(10, 15, 25), 3, 0)
cairo_rectangle(cb$cr, 100, 100, width-200, height-200)



  • R Core for developing and maintaining the language.
  • CRAN maintainers, for patiently shepherding packages onto CRAN and maintaining the repository