R v4.1.0 - {grid} graphics new feature - patterns


As of R 4.1.0 there is built-in support for patterns in grid graphics. There are 3 types of pattern:

  1. grid::linearGradient() for linear colour gradients
  2. grid::radialGradient() for radial colour gradients
  3. grid::pattern() repetition of any combination of graphic objects (grobs)

This quick post summarises a few things which can be done with patterns:

  • creating a pattern
  • a repeating element within a pattern can be masked (another new feature of grid in R v4.1.0)
  • a pattern can itself have a pattern
  • a pattern can consist of any objects you can put in a grid::grobTree()

Reading list:


# Ensure that images are rendered using a device which understands patterns
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev.args = list(png = list(type = "cairo")))

Define the core element of the pattern

# Define a small rectangle
small_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(10, 'mm'), 
  height = unit(10, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'

# Display the rectangle

Create a pattern by wrapping the core element in grid::pattern()

# Wrap the core element (small_rect) inside a pattern
small_rect_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Use the pattern as a 'fill' on another shape
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.5, 
  height = 0.5,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_pattern)

# Display the rectangle

Patterns can have masks

# Create a mask
mask <- circleGrob(
  x = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(2.5, 'mm'),
  y = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(2.5, 'mm'),
  r = unit(4, 'mm'),
  gp = gpar(fill = 'black')

# Define a small rectangle with some masking
small_rect_with_mask <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(10, 'mm'), 
  height = unit(10, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'
  vp = viewport(mask = mask)

# Wrap the core element (small_rect_with_mask) inside a pattern
small_rect_with_mask_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Use the pattern as a 'fill' on another shape
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.5, 
  height = 0.5,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_with_mask_pattern)

# Display the rectangle

Pattern - Patterns can have patterns

# Define an inner pattern
inner_pattern_element <- circleGrob(
  r  = unit(5, 'mm'), 
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'pink', 
    col  = 'red'

inner_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(12, 'mm'),
  height = unit(12, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Define an outer pattern which is filled with the inner pattern
outer_pattern_element <- polygonGrob(
  x = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(c(0, 20, 20) - 10, 'mm'),
  y = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(c(0,  0, 20) - 10, 'mm'),
  gp = gpar(fill = inner_pattern, col = 'blue')

outer_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(30, 'mm'),
  height = unit(30, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'reflect'

# Fill a 'rect' with the outer pattern
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.5, 
  height = 0.5,
  gp = gpar(fill = outer_pattern)

# Display the rectangle

Pattern - Patterns can contain multiple objects

# Define a small rectangle
small_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(10, 'mm'), 
  height = unit(10, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'

# Define a small circle
small_circle <- circleGrob(
  x = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(3, 'mm'),
  y = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(3, 'mm'),
  r  = unit(4, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'pink', 
    col  = 'red'

# Creat a compound pattern
compound_pattern <- pattern(
  grobTree(small_rect, small_circle),
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'),
  extend = 'repeat'

# Fill a 'rect' with the compound pattern
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.5, 
  height = 0.5,
  gp = gpar(fill = compound_pattern)

# Display the rectangle