R v4.1.0 - {grid} graphics new feature - patterns (part 2)


As of R 4.1.0 there is built-in support for patterns in grid graphics. There are 3 types of pattern:

  1. grid::linearGradient() for linear colour gradients
  2. grid::radialGradient() for radial colour gradients
  3. grid::pattern() repetition of any combination of graphic objects (grobs)

This quick post summarises a few things which can be done with patterns:

  • creating a pattern
  • a repeating element within a pattern can be masked (another new feature of grid in R v4.1.0)
  • a pattern can itself have a pattern
  • a pattern can consist of any objects you can put in a grid::grobTree()

Reading list:


# Ensure that images are rendered using a device which understands patterns
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev.args = list(png = list(type = "cairo")))

Patterns can have masks with an alpha channel

In this example, a simple square is the basis of the repeating pattern.

The square is then masked with a circle containing a radial gradient which is transparent at the edges - this has the effect of softening the edges of the square

# Create a mask
mask <- circleGrob(
  x = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(2.5, 'mm'),
  y = unit(0.5, 'npc') + unit(2.5, 'mm'),
  r = unit(8, 'mm'),
  gp = gpar(fill = radialGradient(c('black', 'transparent')), col = 'transparent')

# Define a small rectangle with some masking
small_rect_with_mask <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(10, 'mm'), 
  height = unit(10, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'
  vp = viewport(mask = mask)

# Wrap the core element (small_rect_with_mask) inside a pattern
small_rect_with_mask_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Use the pattern as a 'fill' on another shape
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.5, 
  height = 0.5,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_with_mask_pattern)

# Display the rectangle

Patterns can be defined with concrete units

When patterns are defined using concrete/absolute units (such as ‘mm’), then their size is constant regardless of the viewport

# Define a small rectangle with size in concrete/absolute units
small_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(10, 'mm'), 
  height = unit(10, 'mm'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'

# Wrap the core element (small_rect) inside a pattern
small_rect_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Use the pattern as a 'fill' on another shape
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.3, 
  height = 0.3,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_pattern),
  vp = viewport(
    x = unit(0.33, 'npc'),
    y = unit(0.5 , 'npc')

large_rect2 <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.3, 
  height = 0.6,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_pattern),
  vp = viewport(
    x = unit(0.67, 'npc'),
    y = unit(0.5 , 'npc')

# Display the rectangle

Patterns can be defined with relative units

When patterns are defined using relatives units (such as ‘npc’), then their apparent size depends on the viewport they’re rendered into.

# Define a small rectangle with size in relative units 'npc'
small_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = unit(0.1, 'npc'), 
  height = unit(0.1, 'npc'),
  gp     = gpar(
    fill = 'lightblue', 
    col  = 'blue'

# Wrap the core element (small_rect) inside a pattern
small_rect_pattern <- grid::pattern(
  width  = unit(15, 'mm'),
  height = unit(15, 'mm'), 
  extend = 'repeat'

# Use the pattern as a 'fill' on another shape
large_rect <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.3, 
  height = 0.3,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_pattern),
  vp = viewport(
    x = unit(0.33, 'npc'),
    y = unit(0.5 , 'npc')

large_rect2 <- rectGrob(
  width  = 0.3, 
  height = 0.6,
  gp = gpar(fill = small_rect_pattern),
  vp = viewport(
    x = unit(0.67, 'npc'),
    y = unit(0.5 , 'npc')

# Display the rectangle