Custom {ggplot2} point shapes with {gggrid}


Use grobs as points in {ggplot} using {gggrid}

I highly recommend reading Paul Murrel’s Report on {gggrid} and other techniques for getting grobs into ggplots.

# remotes::install_github('')

hex <- FALSE
if (hex) {
  # Create the template grob - a hex!
  r     <- 0.5
  theta <- seq(30, 360, 60) * pi/180
  x     <- r * cos(theta)
  y     <- r * sin(theta)
  g     <- grid::polygonGrob(x = x, y = y, vp = viewport(), gp = gpar())
} else {
  # Create the template grob - a 5 pointed star
  r     <- 0.5
  theta <- seq(36, 360, 72) * pi/180
  x     <- r * cos(theta)
  y     <- r * sin(theta)
  g     <- grid::polygonGrob(x = x[c(1,3,5,2,4)], y = y[c(1,3,5,2,4)], vp = viewport(), gp = gpar())

# Define the callback function to use within each panel.
# See
# @param data data.frame of original data
# @param coords data.frame of values scaled to fit into the desired output units
#               as well as any aesthetic values. 
#               One row per point.
panel_func <- function(data, coords) {
  # Function which will be called for each row in 'coords'
  position_grob <- function(point) {
    gnew           <- g
    gnew$gp$fill   <- point$fill
    gnew$gp$col    <- NA  #point$colour
    gnew$gp$alpha  <- point$alpha
    gnew$vp$x      <- unit(point[['x']], 'npc')
    gnew$vp$y      <- unit(point[['y']], 'npc')
    gnew$vp$width  <- unit(point[['size']]/4, 'cm')
    gnew$vp$height <- unit(point[['size']]/4, 'cm')
    gnew$name <- strftime(Sys.time(), "%H%M%OS6") # Enforce unique name per grob. 
  # For each point, generate a grob
  grobs <- lapply(
    function(idx) {
      position_grob(coords[idx, ])
  # group all the point grobs into a single grobTree object, grobs)

# Plot wih a `gggrid::grid_panel()`
  data = mtcars, 
  mapping = aes(
    x      = mpg, 
    y      = wt, 
    size   = cyl, 
    fill   = as.factor(cyl)
) + 
  gggrid::grid_panel(panel_func) + 
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title = "{gggrid}: Custom ggplot points")