# Read on of the fonts included with 'bdftools'
myfont <- bdftools::read_bdf_builtin(font = 'spleen-6x12.bdf')
# Helper function to rotate a vector
rotate <- function(x, N) {
c(x[-seq(N)], x[seq(N)])
# Rainbox colours!
fill <- rainbow(100)
# Animate the colour-cycling
for (i in seq.int(1, 500, 10)) {
grob <- bdfGrob(
size = 16,
shrink = 0.9,
fill = fill
filename <- sprintf("working/anim/%03i.png", i)
png(filename, width = 850, height = 400)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(grob)
fill <- rotate(fill, 10)
system("convert -delay 10 ./working/anim/*.png vignettes/anim/rainbow.gif")