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callme 2014-07-28

  • Fix title in DESCRIPTION for CRAN. Put ‘C’ in single quotes.

callme 0.1.10 2014-07-23

CRAN release: 2024-07-27

  • Vignettes
  • compile() changes
    • Read code from file if code argument is a valid existing path to a file.
    • Add option invisible to return wrapper result invisibly

callme 0.1.9 2024-07-13

  • Support CFLAGS argument to replace the default C compiler flags
  • PKG_LDFLAGS replaced by PKG_LIBS and now used in Makevars file rather than on the command line.

callme 0.1.8 2024-07-10

  • Now writes wrapper functions into the nominated environment

callme 0.1.7 2023-07-23

  • Add callme_engine() to enable the use of callme() code in knitr/Rmarkdown/Quarto chunks.
  • Switch to README.qmd from README.Rmd

callme 0.1.6 2023-07-22

  • Auto-injecting bare mimimum required headers if not present. i.e. R.h and Rinternals.h
  • Raise warning when there doesn’t appear to be any .Call()-compatible functions in the code

callme 0.1.5 2023-07-21

  • Be stricter about rejecting function signatures which aren’t compatible with .Call() when auto-generating wrappers.

callme 0.1.4 2023-07-21

  • Return a more useful object which contains wrapper functions for all the C functions which adhere to .Call() syntax
  • Added verbose flag to control whether output from the compiler is echoed to the terminal. Default: FALSE

callme 0.1.3 2023-07-21

  • Remove directory where dll was compiled when unloading the dll.

callme 0.1.2 2023-07-20

  • bugfix for directory handling

callme 0.1.1 2023-07-20

  • Explicitly set a finalizer on the returned reference to the DLL such that the library will be unloaded when this returned variable gets garbage collected.
    • User must now keep a reference to the returned object to ensure the C functions remain available.
    • Automatically unloading the library means that
      1. it will not pollute the namespace
      2. Newer versions of the compiled function are not masked by prior compiled versions.
  • Switch to use Makevars file for setting CPPFLAGS as Windows doesn’t understant R CMD COMPILE

callme 0.1.0 2023-07-19

  • Initial release