image using the built-in spleen
bitmapped font.R/nr-draw.R
The only font currently available is 'spleen' - a monospace bitmap font from:
nr_text_basic(nr, x, y, str, color = "black", fontsize = 8L)
coordinates of lower-left corner of text
character string
Color as a character string. Either a standard R color
(e.g. 'blue', 'white')
or a hex color of the form #rrggbbaa
, #rrggbb
, #rgba
or #rgb
height of font in pizels. Only valid values are 8, 12 and 16. Default: 8.
Original nativeRaster
modified in-place
The 'spleen' font is licensed under BSD and the license is included in this package as "LICENSE-spleen.txt". To view LICENSE:
cat(readLines(system.file('LICENSE-spleen.txt', package = 'nara')),
sep = "\n")