The goal of minicss
is to be able to programatically create CSS styles and style sheets
from within R.
objects and output are compabile with Shiny (see the vignette)
is a collection of R6 objects a user creates and encapsulates within
one other to build CSS style sheets
Need to build… | R6 object | alternate initialisation |
CSS Properties | css_prop |
CSS Selectors | Selector$new() |
css_sel() |
KeyFrames | Keyframe$new() |
css_keyframe() |
Keyframes$new() |
css_keyframes() |
CSS Styles | Style$new() |
css_style() |
CSS Style Sheets | StyleSheet$new() |
css_stylesheet() |
Quick examples
CSS Entity | code | result |
Properties | css_prop$'font-family'$cursive |
font-family: cursive; |
css_prop$'animation-delay'$set(12) |
animation-delay: 12; |
Selectors | css_sel('#cindy')$child_of('#carol') |
#carol > #cindy |
Inline Styles | css_style(colour='red')$update(margin=0) |
color: red; margin: 0; |
CSS Styles | css_style(".red", colour='red', width='100%') |
.red { color: red; width: 100% } |
css_style(".big", css_prop$'font-size'$set('12px')) |
.big { font-size: 12px; } |
Style Sheets | css_stylesheet(style1, style2) |
.style1 {color:red;} .style2{color:blue;} |
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
The CSS specification is a bit wart-y,
so there are plenty of weird cases that need to be explicitly handled. Some of
these cases are currently handled by minicss
, and I’ll add others as
they’re needed.
Example: All-in-one example
# Build some selectors
sel1 <- Selector$new('h1')$class('demo')
sel2 <- css_sel("h2")$class('highlight')
# Build some keyframes for animating elements
kf1 <- Keyframe$new('from', color = '#123456')
kf2 <- css_keyframe('to', color = '#1289ae')$translateX(10, 'px')
keyframes <- Keyframes$new("pulser", kf1, kf2)
# Build some styles
style1 <- Style$new(
css_prop$animation(name = 'pulser', duration = 0.8, direction = 'alternate')
style2 <- Style$new('.mini', background_color = 'green')
style3 <- Style$new(sel2, css_prop$`text-decoration`$underline)
# Create a style sheet
stylesheet <- css_stylesheet(style1, style2, style3, keyframes)
# Change my mind about the background colour of 'style2'
style2$update(background_colour = '#a0a0ff')
# Create an inline style
inline_style <- Style$new(border = "1px solid #123456")$
update(width = "50%", padding = '10px')$
# Insert the stylesheet in an example HTML document
html <- glue::glue("
<div style='{inline_style}'>
<h1 class = 'demo'> Hello #Rstats</h1>
<h2 class='highlight'> A minicss demo! </h2>
This is an example of using <span class='mini'>minicss</span> to manipulate CSS.
h1.demo { animation: pulser 0.8s infinite alternate; }
.mini { background-color: #a0a0ff; }
h2.highlight { text-decoration: underline; }
@keyframes pulser {
from { color: #123456; }
to {
color: #1289ae;
transform: translateX(10px);
<div style='border: 1px solid #123456; width: 50%; padding: 10px;'>
<h1 class = 'demo'> Hello #Rstats</h1>
<h2 class='highlight'> A minicss demo! </h2>
This is an example of using <span class='mini'>minicss</span> to manipulate CSS.