The {miniverse} - a collection of document creation packages for RStats


The miniverse is a constellation of packages for creating documents within R.

The purpose of this miniverse package is to:

  1. Highlight the common interface used across the packages
  2. Provide links to the various packages


You can install miniverse from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Create PDF documents
Online documentation

Create CSS
Online documentation

Create HTML documents
Online documentation

Create XML documents
Online documentation

Create SVG documents
Online documentation

High level document description

  • A document is a tree of objects, with a a document node at the root, and element nodes branching from this.
  • A document is represented by a document class e.g. HTMLDocument()
  • Each thing within a document is represented by an element class e.g. HTMLElement()
  • Documents and Elements contain:
    • attributes - information about the item
    • children - nested sub-elements of this element

Initialising a new document

New documents can usually be initialised in 2 ways:

  1. R6 object initialisation
  2. A function call (which just wraps the R6 initialisation call)
package Document R6 initialisation Document function init
minipdf PDFDocument$new() pdf_doc()
minicss StyleSheet$new() css_stylesheet()
minihtml HTMLDocument$new() html_doc()
minixml XMLDocument$new() xml_doc()
minisvg SVGDocument$new() svg_doc()

Initialising a bare element

A bare element can usually be initialised in 3 ways:

  1. R6 object initialisation
  2. A function call (which just wraps the R6 initialisation call)
  3. Using a tag helper method which wraps the R6 initialisation call for a lot of standard elements. This usually includes autocomplete for the arguments for each element.
package Element R6 initialisation Document function init Helper
minipdf PDFCircle$new(), PDFRect$new(), etc pdf_doc() ptag$circle(), ptag$rect(), etc
minicss Style$new() css_style()
minihtml HTMLElement$new() html_elem() htag$title(), htag$div(), etc
minixml XMLElement$new() xml_elem()
minisvg SVGElement$new() svg_elem() stag$circle(), stag$rect(), etc

Appending an element to an existing element or document

After appending a new element, the returned value is the document that was being appended to.

package Append bare element to current element
minipdf PDFCircle$append(), PDFRect$append(), etc
minicss Style$append()
minihtml HTMLElement$append()
minixml XMLElement$append()
minisvg SVGElement$append()

Creating an element directly within an existing element or document

After creating a new element within an existing element, it is the new element that is returned.

package Create element within existing element (specific) Create element within existing element (generic)
minipdf PDFDocument$circle(), PDFDocument$rect(), etc
minicss StyleSheet$add()
minihtml HTMLElement$div(), HTMLDocument$title(), etc HTMLElement$add(), HTMLDocument$add(), etc
minixml XMLElement$add(), XMLDocument$add(), etc
minisvg SVGElement$circle(), SVGDocument$rect() SVGElement$add(), SVGDocument$add(), etc

Update attributes and Add Child Elements

In general when calling $update() on a document or element:

  • Named arguments are added as attributes of the element
  • Unnamed arguments are added as children of the element
package Update attributes and add child elements
minipdf PDFCircle$update(), PDFRect$update(), etc
minicss Style$update()
minihtml HTMLElement$update(), HTMLDocument$update()
minixml XMLElement$update(), XMLDocument$update()
minisvg SVGElement$update(), SVGDocument$update()