
cssparser::read_css() is used to parse CSS stored in a string or in a file.

The returned object is a named list where:

  • the names correspond to the CSS selectors
  • the values are declaration blocks which are named lists where:
    • the name is the CSS property e.g. background-color, font-size etc
    • the value represents the setting for that property e.g. #ff88bb, 12px



# a Stylesheet to read
stylesheet <- '
#main {
  background-color: red !important;
  color: blue;

.footer {
  border-color: rgb(50 100 255);
  font-weight: lighter;
  margin-left: 1cm;

.footer > p {
  background-color: green;

# Read the above stylesheet into a CSS object in R
css <- cssparser::read_css(stylesheet)

# Access the declaration block for `#main` id selector
#> $`background-color`
#> [1] "red"
#> attr(,"important")
#> [1] TRUE
#> $color
#> [1] "blue"
# Access the 'font-weight' for the '.footer' class selector
#> [1] "lighter"