
This is a small proof of concept of rendering HTML in R.


#' Render a sequence of grobs side-by-side
#' @param grobs list of grobs
#' @param widths widths of grobs
#' @param default.unit default grid unit for width. 
#' @param name grob name. default: NULL (auto naming)
#' @return horizontal combination of grobs
hsplit <- function(grobs, widths = NULL, default.units = 'null', name = NULL) {
  N <- length(grobs)
  stopifnot(N > 0)
  if (is.null(widths)) widths <- unit(rep_len(1, N), 'null')
  if (!grid::is.unit(widths)) {
    widths <- unit(widths, default.units)
  frame <- frameGrob(layout = grid.layout(ncol = N, just = 'left'))
  for (i in seq(N)) {
    frame <- packGrob(frame, grobs[[i]], col = i, width = widths[i])

#' Render a sequence of grobs in a vertical sequence
#' @param grobs list of grobs
#' @param heights heights of grobs
#' @param default.unit default grid unit for height 
#' @param name grob name. default: NULL (auto naming)
#' @return vertical combination of grobs
vsplit <- function(grobs, heights = NULL, default.units = 'null', name = NULL) {
  N <- length(grobs)
  stopifnot(N > 0)
  if (is.null(heights)) heights <- unit(rep_len(1, N), 'null')
  if (!grid::is.unit(heights)) {
    heights <- unit(heights, default.units)
  frame <- frameGrob(layout = grid.layout(nrow = N, just = 'top'))
  for (i in seq(N)) {
    frame <- packGrob(frame, grobs[[i]], row = i, height = heights[i])
# The CSS to apply to the HTML
css <- cssparser::read_css('
  h1 { font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold;}
  h2 { font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;}
  h3 { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;}
  h4 { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;}
  #main > h1 { color: darkblue; font-style: italic;}
  #footer > p { color: blue; font-style: oblique;}
  .emph {color: darkred;}
  .whisper {color: #666666;}
  a { color: blue; }
  .pkg {font-family: Courier; color: darkgreen;}

# The HTML document
# Note: the read_html(paste0()) is a hack to get around a presentation limitation
# in the view rendered by 'pkgdown'
html <- xml2::read_html(paste0('
  <div style="width:20%; float:left;">
    <h3>Artist\'s Statement</h3>
    <p> This probably wasn\'t a good idea </p>
      <img src="Rlogo.jpg"></img>
  <div id="main" style="width:60%; float:left;">
    <h1> A Toy HTML Layout Engine in R </h1>
    <p> To render a web page from HTML you will need a number of components: 
       a way to parse the HTML text, a way to parse and apply the CSS, 
       a layout engine to combine the HTML and CSS to figure out where everything
       goes on the page, and an actual way of rendering the layout. </p>
    <h3> The R components </h3>
    <p> <span class="pkg">{xml2}</span> is used to parse the HTML text into structured representation in R </p>
    <p> <span class="pkg">{cssparser}</span> is used to parse the CSS text into structured representation in R </p>','
    <p> <span class="pkg">{grid}</span> is used to render the layout as frame objects </p>
    <p> <span class="pkg">{gridtext}</span> is used to render styled text blocks </p>
    <p> The code in this vignette performs the layout of elements </p>
    <h3> Technical Bit </h3>
    <p> The layout engine in this vignette is obviously a <span class="emph"> complete hack. </span> </p>
    <p> The web page layout is a nested sequence of `grid::frameGrob()` objects, 
        with a few dodgy heuristics on whether the current frame is a sequence of
        row elements or column elements </p>
    <p> Other than "p" and "div" tags, everything else is either ignored or 
        hacked to behave like a "p" tag.  </p>
    <p class="whisper"> If you look 
        closely at the code, you\'ll find that "img" tags are just rendered via a 
        hard-coded rasterGrob() </p>','
    <div id="footer"> 
      <h4> Contact </h4>
      <div style="width:50%;">
        <p> @coolbutuseless </p>
      <div style="width:50%;">
        <a href="">Coolbutuseless on github</a>
# Apply the final calcualted style as inline styles on each element in the
# HTML document
html    <- cssparser::css_apply_inline(html, css)

# Also calculate a named list of styles, where the name is the 'xpath' to
# a given node
xpstyle <- cssparser::css_apply(html, css)
# Convert all headers (<h1> etc) to <p> tags
hs <- xml2::xml_find_all(html, xpath = "//h1 | //h2 | //h3 | //h4")
for (h in hs) {
  xml2::xml_name(h) <- 'p'

# Convert all 'a' link tags in html to 'p'
alinks <- xml2::xml_find_all(html, xpath = "//a")
for (alink in alinks) {
  xml2::xml_name(alink) <- 'p'

#' Find the width of a given HTML node
#' @param x html node (in a document read in with {xml2})
#' @return the calculated 'width' of this node (determined using its xpath)
get_width <- function(x) {
  xpath <- xml2::xml_path(x)
  style <- xpstyle[[xpath]]

#' Recursively convert an HTML node to grob objects
#' @param node HTML documet node. Usually called with root node of document
#' @return grob
node_to_grob <- function(node) {
  xpath <- xml2::xml_path(node)
  tag   <- xml2::xml_name(node)
  if (tag %in% c('div', 'body')) {
    grobs <- lapply(xml2::xml_children(node), node_to_grob)
    widths <- vapply(xml2::xml_children(node), function(node) {
    }, numeric(1))
    if (any(widths > 0)) {
      units <- ifelse(widths == 0, 'null', ifelse(widths <= 1, 'npc', 'px'))
      widths[widths == 0] <- 1
      widths <- unit(widths, units)
      hsplit(grobs, widths = widths, name = xpath)
    } else {
      heights <- vapply(grobs, function(grob) {
        h <- grid::grobHeight(grob)
        as.numeric(grid::convertHeight(h, 'in'))
      }, numeric(1))
      units <- ifelse(heights > 0, 'pt', 'null')
      heights <- heights * 96 * 1.2
      heights[heights == 0] <- 1
      heights <- unit(heights, units) 
      vsplit(grobs, heights = heights)
  } else if (tag == 'p') {
    gridtext::textbox_grob(as.character(node), name = xpath)
  } else if (tag == 'img') {
    # Hard-coded cheat
    img <- jpeg::readJPEG(system.file("img", "Rlogo.jpg", package="jpeg"))
    grid::rasterGrob(img, interpolate = TRUE, width=unit(3, 'cm'))
  } else {
    message("Skipping tag: ", tag)
    grid::nullGrob(name = xpath)
node <- xml2::xml_find_first(html, 'body')
g <- node_to_grob(node)
