devout 0.2.9 2021-06-11

  • Preliminary support for new features introduced in R4.1.0 i.e. gradients, patterns, path clipping and masks
    • “preliminary support” means that devout no longer segfaults when running under R4.1.0
    • All callbacks related to these new features do nothing at all, and do not yet attempt to call back into any user-defined R functions

devout 0.2.8 2020-04-20

  • The name of the device can now be set by passing device_name argument to rdevice()

devout 0.2.7 2020-04-19

  • Check validity of rfunction on initial function call to rdevice() and store as part of rdata data structure.

devout 0.2.6 2020-04-19

  • Removed more caching/copying that is no longer needed now that rdata is an environment
  • rdevice() now accepts either a function object or character string as the callback function. The character string argument is soft-deprecated, and passing in an actual function object is the preferred method.
  • The initial call from Rcpp back into R (into devout::rcallback()) is now done differently. This fixes some namespace issues when using devout from within another package.

devout 0.2.5 2020-04-18

  • Removed some caching/copying that is no longer needed now that rdata is an environment
  • Removed the option ‘DEVOUT_KEEP_RDATA’. If you need to access the cached rdata for a current device, just view it in devout:::device_rdata any time after opening the device and before calling

devout 0.2.4 2020-04-18

  • Internal rdata data structure is now an environment rather than a list.
  • Change default sizing from 400x300 (pixels) to 10x8 (inches)
  • Refactored the advanced debug mechanism for rdata. This was used often during initial package development, but is less used now. To enable, set options(DEVOUT_KEEP_RDATA = TRUE).

devout 0.2.3

  • Using new/delete rather than calloc/free to address a segmentation fault on windows.

devout 0.2.2

  • More verbose error message for bad return value

devout 0.2.1

  • Update devinfo$device_call to include rect which was erroneously omitted in prior release.

devout 0.2.0

  • Major internal refactor
  • Added the rdevice which allows the user to write devices using just R
  • Re-wrote ascii device to use the underlying rdevice

devout 0.1.3

  • Inclusion of rdevice() such that graphics devices can be written in R

devout 0.1.2

  • Added support for multiple page output
    • If output to console, pages will be output one after another
    • If output to file and filename is a format string (e.g. “output%03i.txt”) then unique files will be generated for each page
    • If output to file and filename is a NOT a format string (e.g. “output.txt”) then only the last page will be saved to file

devout 0.1.1

  • Added support for path objects, so tmap output now works.

devout 0.1.0

  • Initial release includes alpha versions of ascii() and descriptive() devices.