

Literal SVG and HTML strings can be included using the SVGLiteral R6 class.

This may be useful when:

  • You have a character string containing SVG text from an external source to include directly into your document.
  • You have literal HTML that you’d like to include as a <foreignObject> within the SVG
  • You have an object which can be coerced to a character string e.g. a minihtml document


MathML is an markup language for describing mathematical notation.

mathml <- '
<math xmlns = "">

      <mfenced open = "[" close="]">




Inserting literal HTML into an SVG

  • Create a <foreignObject>
  • Add an SVGLiteral node to the <foreignObject>
# Create an SVG document with a grey rectangle
doc <- svg_doc()
doc$rect(x = "10%", y = "10%", width = "80%", height = "80%", fill = "silver")

# Create a literal node with the mathml
lit <- SVGLiteral$new(mathml)

# Create a foreign object and add the literal object to it.
fo <- stag$foreignObject(x = 50, y = 50, width = 100, height = 100)

# append the foreign object to the document
