minisvg 0.1.12 2020-05-02

  • Bug fix: All transform attributes are no longer being included twice.
    (Fixes Issue #10)

minisvg 0.1.11 2020-02-29

  • Bug fix: multiple transforms are now cumulative (again!). (Fixes Issue #7)

minisvg 0.1.10 2020-02-22

  • Added new $child list which tracks the direct child elements by tag name.
  • Added new $find(tag, attribs) which will return a list of all child nodes matching the given tag names and attributes.

minisvg 0.1.9 2020-02-13

  • Closes Issue #4. When an attribute refers to an SVGElement object, the url is now represented as url(#id) rather than url('#id').

minisvg 0.1.8 2020-02-11

  • Add SVGLiteral class to contain literal strings to include in an SVG document. SVGLiteral can only contain a single object which is either a character string or convertible with a call to as.character(x). A key use for this node is for including SVG or HTML from another source into the current document.

minisvg 0.1.7 2020-02-10

  • Closes Issue #3. For colours which are specified for ‘fill’, ‘stroke’ etc, handle the case where the colour name is valid in R but not in CSS e.g. ‘violetred’ by converting such cases to a hexcolour.
  • Closes Issue #1. Polygon/Polyline creation can now take arguments in a number of forms i.e.
    • points the actual argument as specified in SVG standard
    • xs and ys as 2 numeric vectors of equal length representing the coordinates of the polygon
    • xs as a matrix with the first 2 columns representing the coordinates.
    • xs as a data.frame with numeric columns x and y.

minisvg 0.1.6 2020-01-23

  • Added javascript handling functions (similar to the CSS handling functions)
    • $add_js_url
    • $add_js_code
    • Added vignette as an example

minisvg 0.1.5 2020-01-22

  • Refactored how CSS is handled.
    • Can now add multiple external CSS stylesheets with repeated calls to $add_css_url()
    • CSS styles which you want to add to the SVG style sheet can be added to any SVGElement with $add_css()
    • When a top level <svg> document is rendered, CSS urls and declarations are accumulated recursive from all child nodes and rendered as a single <style> block.

minisvg 0.1.4 2020-01-21

  • Added an SVGFilter class for prototyping filters. This is just a sub-class of SVGElement with some methods to help preview filters. This is very similar to how the SVGPattern class works.
  • Updated the vignette on CSS animation to include an example that uses an external CSS style sheet

minisvg 0.1.3 2020-01-18

  • When multiple attributes with the same name are given for an element, then only the last one is kept/used.
  • SVGPattern objects now have some built-in support for filters

minisvg 0.1.2 2020-01-12

  • For animate and related commands, if vectors are passed in as the value for a values or keyTimes argument, then paste(x, collapse=";") is applied. This will make some animation setup easier from R since we no longer have to collpse vectors before calling.

minisvg 0.1.1 2020-01-10

  • Added feBlend and other filter effects to stag and svg_elem
  • Added vignette on filter-elements

minisvg 0.1.0

  • Initial release