This function creates a named list. It's purpose is mainly as a helper - by having most presentation as named arguments we can use code auto-completion to help remember the 50+ possible attributes.
pres( ..., alignment_baseline, baseline_shift, clip_path, clip_rule, color, color_interpolation, color_interpolation_filters, color_profile, color_rendering, cursor, direction, display, dominant_baseline, enable_background, fill, fill_opacity, fill_rule, filter, flood_color, flood_opacity, font, font_family, font_size, font_size_adjust, font_stretch, font_style, font_variant, font_weight, glyph_orientation_vertical, image_rendering, kerning, letter_spacing, lighting_color, marker, marker_end, marker_mid, marker_start, mask, opacity, overflow, pointer_events, shape_rendering, stop_color, stop_opacity, stroke, stroke_dasharray, stroke_dashoffset, stroke_linecap, stroke_linejoin, stroke_miterlimit, stroke_opacity, stroke_width, text_anchor, text_decoration, text_rendering, unicode_bidi, visibility, word_spacing, writing_mode )
... | other named parameters |
alignment_baseline, baseline_shift, clip_path, clip_rule, color, color_interpolation, color_interpolation_filters, color_profile, color_rendering, cursor, direction, display, dominant_baseline, enable_background, fill, fill_opacity, fill_rule, filter, flood_color, flood_opacity, font, font_family, font_size, font_size_adjust, font_stretch, font_style, font_variant, font_weight, glyph_orientation_vertical, image_rendering, kerning, letter_spacing, lighting_color, marker, marker_end, marker_mid, marker_start, mask, opacity, overflow, pointer_events, shape_rendering, stop_color, stop_opacity, stroke, stroke_dasharray, stroke_dashoffset, stroke_linecap, stroke_linejoin, stroke_miterlimit, stroke_opacity, stroke_width, text_anchor, text_decoration, text_rendering, unicode_bidi, visibility, word_spacing, writing_mode | named parameters (included to help when using auto-complete) |
a list of presentation attributes
For convenience, any underscores in the names will be replaced by dashes. This is because no sane CSS attributes are named with an underscore, but names with dashes are clunky to write in R.