Widget Layout

In tickle widgets are positioned within their parent container using the “pack” geometry manager.

Every widget has a pack argument to define how it should be placed within its parent container.

Since container elements can be nested, every container (e.g. tic_row()) also has a pack argument.

In addition, container elements also include a pack_def argument which defines the default packing arguments for all its immediate children.

For simple layouts, you almost never need to explicitly set the pack or pack_def options i.e. careful use of tic_row() and tic_col() will do 95% of what you need.

Understanding pack options will become more useful as your layout and design become more complicated. This vignette doesn’t go into details, and the interested user is encouraged to refer to the original tcl/tk pack documentation


The best way to construct the values passed to pack and pack_def is to create them with a call to pack_opts().

Using pack_opts() assists by making use of auto-complete and also sanity checking the values that are passed in.


ui_spec <- tic_window(
    tic_button("One"  , style = 'primary'),
    tic_button('Two'  , style = 'success'),
    tic_button('Three', style = 'warning')

win <- render_ui(ui_spec)

Set pack_def on container (tic_row())

ui_spec <- tic_window(
    pack_def = pack_opts(padx = 10),
    tic_button("One"  , style = 'primary'),
    tic_button('Two'  , style = 'success'),
    tic_button('Three', style = 'warning')

win <- render_ui(ui_spec)

Set pack on individual widgets

ui_spec <- tic_window(
    tic_button("One"  , style = 'primary', pack = pack_opts(padx = 10)),
    tic_button('Two'  , style = 'success', pack = pack_opts(padx = 10)),
    tic_button('Three', style = 'warning', pack = pack_opts(padx = 10))

win <- render_ui(ui_spec)

Set pack_def on parent container and use pack on individual widgets to override

ui_spec <- tic_window(
    pack_def = pack_opts(padx = 10),
    tic_button("One"  , style = 'primary'),
    tic_button('Two'  , style = 'success'),
    tic_button('Three', style = 'warning', pack = pack_opts(padx = 50))

win <- render_ui(ui_spec)