
C vs R

C is fast

  • C is fast
  • For loops are fast in C
  • Calling functions in C is fast

R is slower

  • R is slower than C
  • For loops can be slow in R
  • Calling functions in R can be slow

Vectorised calls for avoiding for loops in R

cairocore includes some functions for performing multiple operations with a single call from R - looping happens within C, and not within R.

The current vectorised functions are:

If only drawing a few objects then the vectorised calls will not save you any significant time.

Drawing 20000 rectangles at 30 frames-per-second

The following code draws 20,000 rectangles on a 1000x1000 canvas with a single call. This takes around 30ms - which translates to around 30 frames-per-second.

Drawing the rectangles one-at-a-time in a for loop with calls to cairo_rectangle() is about about half the speed. This speed difference probably isn’t that critical for the majority of applications, but for realtime rendering with interactivity, R will need every speed boost it can get.

# Set up surface. Set to a white background. Turn off antialiasing
size    <- 1000
surface <- cairo_image_surface_create (cairo_format_t$CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, size, size);
cr      <- cairo_create (surface);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1)
cairo_paint (cr);

cairo_set_antialias(cr, cairo_antialias_t$CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE)

# Generate coords and colours for 20000 rectangles
N <- 20000

x      <- runif(N, 1, size)
y      <- runif(N, 1, size)
width  <- runif(N, 1, size/10)
height <- runif(N, 1, size/10)
r      <- runif(N)
g      <- runif(N)
b      <- runif(N)
a      <- runif(N)
sr     <- runif(N)
sg     <- runif(N)
sb     <- runif(N)
sa     <- runif(N)

# Draw 20000 rectangles in a single call
cairo_rectangle_vec(cr, x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a = 1, sr, sg, sb, sa=0)

raster_out <- cairo_image_surface_get_raster(surface)
plot(raster_out, interpolate = FALSE)