All functions |
cairo_font_extents_t_to_list - unpack cairo_font_extents_t struct |
unpack cairo_matrix_t struct |
unpack cairo_rectangle_t struct |
cairo_text_extents_t_to_list - unpack cairo_text_extents_t struct |
cairo_antialias_t |
cairo_append_path |
cairo_arc |
cairo_arc_negative |
Draw lots of arcs (circles) |
cairo_clip |
cairo_clip_extents |
cairo_clip_preserve |
cairo_close_path |
cairo_content_t |
cairo_copy_page |
cairo_copy_path |
cairo_copy_path_flat |
cairo_create |
cairo_curve_to |
Defines |
C-style reference counting and |
cairo_device_to_user |
cairo_device_to_user_distance |
cairo_device_type_t |
cairo_extend_t |
cairo_fill |
cairo_fill_extents |
cairo_fill_preserve |
cairo_fill_rule_t |
cairo_filter_t |
cairo_font_extents |
Create an empty cairo_text_extents_t pointer |
cairo_font_face_get_type |
cairo_font_face_status |
cairo_font_options_copy |
cairo_font_options_create |
cairo_font_options_equal |
cairo_font_options_get_antialias |
cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics |
cairo_font_options_get_hint_style |
cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order |
cairo_font_options_get_variations |
cairo_font_options_hash |
cairo_font_options_merge |
cairo_font_options_set_antialias |
cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics |
cairo_font_options_set_hint_style |
cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order |
cairo_font_options_set_variations |
cairo_font_options_status |
cairo_font_slant_t |
cairo_font_type_t |
cairo_font_weight_t |
cairo_format_stride_for_width |
cairo_format_t |
cairo_ft_synthesize_t |
cairo_get_antialias |
cairo_get_current_point |
cairo_get_dash |
cairo_get_dash_count |
cairo_get_fill_rule |
cairo_get_font_face |
cairo_get_font_matrix |
cairo_get_group_target |
cairo_get_line_cap |
cairo_get_line_join |
cairo_get_line_width |
cairo_get_matrix |
cairo_get_miter_limit |
cairo_get_operator |
cairo_get_source |
cairo_get_target |
cairo_get_tolerance |
cairo_has_current_point |
cairo_hint_metrics_t |
cairo_hint_style_t |
cairo_identity_matrix |
cairo_image_surface_create |
cairo_image_surface_create_for_data |
Createa an image surface from an array |
cairo_image_surface_create_from_png |
Get a copy of the given surface as an array |
cairo_image_surface_get_data |
cairo_image_surface_get_format |
cairo_image_surface_get_height |
Get a copy of the given surface as raster |
Get a copy of the given surface as packed color in a vector of raw values |
cairo_image_surface_get_stride |
cairo_image_surface_get_width |
Write an array onto an existing surface |
cairo_in_clip |
cairo_in_fill |
cairo_in_stroke |
cairo_int_status_t |
cairo_line_cap_t |
cairo_line_join_t |
cairo_line_to |
cairo_mask |
cairo_mask_surface |
cairo_matrix_init |
cairo_matrix_init_rotate |
cairo_matrix_init_scale |
cairo_matrix_init_translate |
cairo_matrix_invert |
cairo_matrix_multiply |
cairo_matrix_rotate |
cairo_matrix_scale |
cairo_matrix_t |
Update the values in a cairo_matrix_t |
cairo_matrix_transform_distance |
cairo_matrix_transform_point |
cairo_matrix_translate |
cairo_mesh_pattern_begin_patch |
cairo_mesh_pattern_curve_to |
cairo_mesh_pattern_end_patch |
cairo_mesh_pattern_get_control_point |
cairo_mesh_pattern_get_corner_color_rgba |
cairo_mesh_pattern_get_patch_count |
cairo_mesh_pattern_get_path |
cairo_mesh_pattern_line_to |
cairo_mesh_pattern_move_to |
cairo_mesh_pattern_set_control_point |
cairo_mesh_pattern_set_corner_color_rgb |
cairo_mesh_pattern_set_corner_color_rgba |
cairo_move_to |
cairo_new_path |
cairo_new_sub_path |
cairo_operator_t |
cairo_paint |
cairo_paint_with_alpha |
cairo_path_data_type_t |
cairo_path_extents |
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb |
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba |
cairo_pattern_create_for_surface |
cairo_pattern_create_linear |
cairo_pattern_create_mesh |
cairo_pattern_create_radial |
cairo_pattern_create_rgb |
cairo_pattern_create_rgba |
cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count |
cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba |
cairo_pattern_get_extend |
cairo_pattern_get_filter |
cairo_pattern_get_linear_points |
cairo_pattern_get_matrix |
cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles |
cairo_pattern_get_rgba |
cairo_pattern_get_type |
cairo_pattern_set_extend |
cairo_pattern_set_filter |
cairo_pattern_set_matrix |
cairo_pattern_status |
cairo_pattern_type_t |
cairo_pdf_metadata_t |
cairo_pdf_outline_flags_t |
cairo_pdf_surface_add_outline |
cairo_pdf_surface_create |
cairo_pdf_surface_restrict_to_version |
cairo_pdf_surface_set_metadata |
cairo_pdf_surface_set_page_label |
cairo_pdf_surface_set_size |
cairo_pdf_surface_set_thumbnail_size |
cairo_pdf_version_t |
cairo_pdf_version_to_string |
Polygon, Polyline |
Draw lots of polygons |
cairo_pop_group |
cairo_pop_group_to_source |
cairo_ps_level_t |
cairo_ps_level_to_string |
cairo_ps_surface_create |
cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup |
cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup |
cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment |
cairo_ps_surface_get_eps |
cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level |
cairo_ps_surface_set_eps |
cairo_ps_surface_set_size |
cairo_push_group |
cairo_push_group_with_content |
cairo_rectangle |
cairo_rectangle_int_t |
cairo_rectangle_t |
Draw lots of rectangles |
cairo_region_overlap_t |
cairo_rel_curve_to |
cairo_rel_line_to |
cairo_rel_move_to |
cairo_reset_clip |
cairo_restore |
cairo_rotate |
cairo_save |
cairo_scale |
cairo_script_mode_t |
Draw lots of line segments |
cairo_select_font_face |
cairo_set_antialias |
cairo_set_dash |
cairo_set_fill_rule |
cairo_set_font_face |
cairo_set_font_matrix |
cairo_set_font_size |
cairo_set_line_cap |
cairo_set_line_join |
cairo_set_line_width |
cairo_set_matrix |
cairo_set_miter_limit |
cairo_set_operator |
cairo_set_source |
cairo_set_source_rgb |
cairo_set_source_rgba |
cairo_set_source_surface |
cairo_set_tolerance |
cairo_show_page |
cairo_show_text |
cairo_status |
cairo_status_t |
cairo_stroke |
cairo_stroke_extents |
cairo_stroke_preserve |
cairo_subpixel_order_t |
cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle |
cairo_surface_finish |
cairo_surface_flush |
cairo_surface_observer_mode_t |
cairo_surface_type_t |
cairo_surface_write_to_png |
cairo_svg_surface_create |
cairo_svg_surface_get_document_unit |
cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version |
cairo_svg_surface_set_document_unit |
cairo_svg_unit_t |
cairo_svg_version_t |
cairo_svg_version_to_string |
cairo_tag_begin |
cairo_tag_end |
cairo_text_cluster_flags_t |
cairo_text_extents |
Create an cairo_text_extents_t pointer |
cairo_text_path |
cairo_transform |
cairo_translate |
cairo_user_to_device |
cairo_user_to_device_distance |
Find the name of the enum which contains the given member |
Given a list representing an enum and a value, return the name corresponding to that value |