Advanced Demo

The R6 wrapper is useful for a lot of things, but underneath this wrapper are the raw functions controlling the simulation.

This vignette is an example of how to use the raw functions to perform a simulation.


# Create a new simulation space
space <- cpSpaceNew()
cpSpaceSetGravity(space, gravity = cpv(0, -100))

# Add a static segment as a ground plane
static_body <- cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space)
static_segment <- cpSegmentShapeNew(static_body, cpv(-50, 0), cpv(50, 0), 0)
cpShapeSetFriction(static_segment, 0.5)
cpShapeSetElasticity(static_segment, elasticity = 0.9)
cpSpaceAddShape(space, static_segment)

# Add a circle to the space
moment                <- cpMomentForCircle(m=1, 0, r2=1, cpv(0, 0))
body                  <- cpBodyNew(mass=1, moment);
cpBodySetPosition(body, cpv(0, 50))
cpSpaceAddBody(space, body)

# Advance the simulation a number of small timesteps
for (i in seq_len(50)) {
  cpSpaceStep(space, 0.01)

# Get the position of the body
pos <- cpBodyGetPosition(body)
#> $x
#> [1] 0
#> $y
#> [1] 37.75
# Advance the simulation a number of small timesteps
for (i in seq_len(50)) {
  cpSpaceStep(space, 0.01)

# Get the position of the body
pos <- cpBodyGetPosition(body)
#> $x
#> [1] 0
#> $y
#> [1] 0.5