Wordle is a word guessing game that you can play online.
The goal is to guess a hidden target word by making guesses and receiving feedback on which letters in your guess are part of the target word.
This is a very ‘lite’ version of a Wordle game.
You could easily add all these things with a little bit of work, but I’m keeping this example simple so that the event logic is as clear as can be
# The colours
col_grey <- grey(0.7)
col_green <- "green"
col_yellow <- "yellow"
# Get a sequence of 5 colours given a guess word and a target word
get_colours <- function(guess, target) {
# if the word is not yet complete, the return a vector of NAs
# which will show up as 'blank' when filling the squares
if (length(guess) == 0 || || trimws(guess) == '' || nchar(guess) < 5) {
return(rep(NA, 5))
guess <- toupper(guess)
target <- toupper(target)
# Split the guess and target into individual letters
this_cols <- rep(col_grey, 5)
guess_letters <- strsplit(guess, '')[[1]]
ref <- strsplit(target, '')[[1]]
# Do the logic to get greens (easy)
matched <- which(guess_letters == ref)
this_cols[matched] <- col_green
# Do the logic to figure out where the yellows are
# This is more difficult
ref[matched] <- '*'
check_pos <- setdiff(1:5, matched)
for (pos in check_pos) {
letter <- guess_letters[pos]
if (letter %in% ref) {
this_cols[pos] <- col_yellow
remove <- which(ref == letter)[1]
ref[remove] <- '*'
# Positions for letters/squares
pos <- expand.grid(
x =, 0.8, length.out = 5),
y =, 0.9, length.out = 6)
# Draw a board given guesses and target word
# No sanity checking is done here for number of guesses, length of target etc
draw_board <- function(guesses, target, current_wordnum) {
lets <- unlist(strsplit(guesses, ''))
length(lets) <- 30
lets[] <- ''
cols <- unlist(lapply(guesses, get_colours, target = target))
# ensure we don't highlight the current word while working on it.
cols[5 * (current_wordnum - 1) + 1:5] <- NA_character_
length(cols) <- 30
width <- height <- 0.13
x = pos$x,
y = 1 - pos$y,
width = width,
height = height,
default.units = 'snpc',
gp = gpar(fill = cols)
grid.text(lets, x = pos$x, y = 1 - pos$y, default.units = 'snpc',
gp = gpar(cex = 2))
# Global state for the eventloop
solved <- FALSE # Has the puzzle been solved?
failed <- FALSE # Has the user completely failed to guess?
guesses <- c('') # The guesses from the user
target <- 'HELLO' # The target word
current <- c() # the letters in the current guess
wordnum <- 1 # which attempt?
#' React to the user entering words and show win/loss status.
#' Press ESC to quit.
#' @param event The event from the graphics device. Is NULL when no event
#' occurred. Otherwise has `type` element set to:
#' `event$type = 'mouse_down'`
#' - an event in which a mouse button was pressed
#' - `event$button` gives the index of the button
#' `event$type = 'mouse_up'`
#' - a mouse button was released
#' `event$type = 'mouse_move'`
#' - mouse was moved
#' `event$type = 'key_press'`
#' - a key was pressed
#' - `event$str` String describing which key was pressed.
#' See \code{grDevices::setGraphicsEventHandlers} for more information.
#' @param mouse_x,mouse_y current location of mouse within window in normalised
#' coordinates in the range [0, 1]. If mouse is
#' not within window, this will be set to the last available coordinates
#' @param frame_num Current frame number (integer)
#' @param fps_actual,fps_target the curent framerate and the framerate specified
#' by the user
#' @param dev_width,dev_height the width and height of the output device. Note:
#' this does not cope well if you resize the window
#' @param ... any extra arguments ignored
wordle <- function(event, ...) {
# Build the current word a letter at a time
# When the current word is 5 letters long, then add it to the list of guesses
# Watch for the latest word matching target word => puzzle solved!
# Watch for guesses exceeding 6 => user has failed!
if (!failed && !solved && !is.null(event)) {
if (event$type == 'key_press') {
first_char <- utf8ToInt(event$str)[1]
if (event$str %in% c(letters, LETTERS) && length(current) < 5) {
current <<- c(current, toupper(event$str))
guesses[wordnum] <<- paste(current, collapse = '')
draw_board(guesses, target, wordnum)
} else if (first_char == 13 && length(current) == 5) {
current <<- c()
if (guesses[wordnum] == target) {
solved <<- TRUE
wordnum <<- wordnum + 1
} else {
wordnum <<- wordnum + 1
failed <<- wordnum > 6
draw_board(guesses, target, wordnum)
} else if (first_char == 8 && length(current) > 0) {
current <<- current[-length(current)]
guesses[wordnum] <<- paste(current, collapse = '')
draw_board(guesses, target, wordnum)
if (solved) {
grid.text(label = "Solved!", gp = gpar(col = 'blue', cex = 5))
if (failed) {
grid.text(label = "Failed!", gp = gpar(col = 'red', cex = 5))
init_board <- function() {
draw_board(guesses, target, wordnum)
# Start the event loop. Press ESC to quit
eventloop::run_loop(wordle, init_func = init_board, double_buffer = FALSE)
Since an interactive window cannot be captured in a vignette, a video screen capture has been taken of the window and included below.