{grid} is not very verbose

The grid::print.grob() method is quite terse, and only prints the type of grob and its name.

cg <- circleGrob(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = unit(10, 'mm'), default.units = 'npc')
#> circle[GRID.circle.1]

{ingrid} offers verbose grob output

A user can request that the grob print methods from print are replaced with ones from ingrid.

By calling ingrid::register_verbose_printing() then new verbose methods are used for the following:

#> circle [GRID.circle.1]
#>   x=c(0.5npc), y=c(0.5npc), r=c(10mm)
#>   gp: default
#>   vp: [NULL] default

Call deregister_verbose_printing() if this verbosity is no longer required.