ingrid provides some tools that I find useful for creating/manipulating grid/grob.

The key benefits I get from ingrid:

  • nested layout row and col - similar to shiny UI definition
  • consistent interface to grob combination functions (intersection, union etc) which work across grobs, gTrees and polyclipgrobs
  • verbose print methods for grobs
  • inline graphical parameter specification
  • Global, user-configurable default.units


  • igt translate and rotate could work on both grobs and viewports?

What’s in the box

Click here to reveal more details on what’s included
  • ig_circle() etc. Analoges for the the grob creation functions in the grid package, but with a slight change in the argument defaults:
    • default.units are now ‘mm’ instead of ‘npc’
    • the gp and vp objects are both created as fully realised structures, and no longer left as NULL if no values are given. This makes manipulation of grob objects a bit easier after they’ve been created.
  • Set of functions for combining vanilla grobs, polyclipgrobs and gTree objects. These functions are mostly extensions of gridGeometry::polyclipgrob() which extends the operations to recurse into gTree and polyclipgrob structures to affect all child objects:
  • Functions for creating units quickly e.g .mm(x) instead of units(x, 'mm')
  • Verbose printing of vanilla grob, gTree and polyclipgrob objects
  • Structured printing of the grid pattern objects available in R4.1.0
  • Simple grob coordinate transformations:
  • Simple viewport transformations:
    • vp_translate()
    • vp_rotate()
  • gp() is a wrapper around grid::gpar() which is more friendly for IDEs which support auto-complete.
  • Some helpers for patterns:
    • S3 print methods with more structured output than grid’s default
    • ig_pattern() is a wrapper around grid::pattern() where:
      • extend = 'repeat' is the default (instead of ‘pad’)
      • default.units are in ‘mm’ (instead of ‘npc’)
      • location coordinates (x, y) are offset from the centre of the viewport by default. Set centred = FALSE to disable this behaviour.


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.package('remotes')

Nested object specification

ingrid reframes the grid layout functions into nested hierarchical layout functions, somewhat similar to how shiny does it’s UI layout.

  • igl_row() will arrange its sub-elements in a horizontal row.
  • igl_col() will arrange its sub-elements in a vertical column.
  • igl_vp() will create an arbitrary viewport containing its sub-elements.
check <- igl_row(
    ig_rect(fill = 'black'),
    ig_rect(fill = 'black')

grid.newpage(); grid.draw(check)

check45 <- igl_vp(check, angle = 45)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(check45)

demo <- igl_row(
  ig_rect  (fill = ig_pattern(check  , width = .cm(1.5), height = .cm(1.5))),
  ig_circle(fill = ig_pattern(check  , width = .cm(2.5), height = .cm(2.5))),
  ig_rect  (fill = ig_pattern(check45, width = .cm(3  ), height = .cm(3  )))

grid::grid.newpage(); grid::grid.draw(demo)

Combining grobs

Grobs may be combined with igc_*() functions.


wug <- igc_intersect(
    ig_circle(r = .mm(20), fill = 'red', alpha = 0.3),
    ig_circle(r = .mm(33), x = .mid + .mm(25), fill = 'blue', alpha = 0.3),
    ig_circle(r = .mm( 2), x = .mid - .mm(13), y = .mid + .mm(4), fill='black', col='white')
  ig_circle(r = .mm(28), x = .mid - .mm(19), y = .mid - .mm(20), fill = 'lightblue', col = 'transparent', alpha = 0.3)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(wug)


igc_mask() and igc_clip() use the new arbitrary clip and mask functionality introduced in R4.1


# Hex
r     <- .mm(20)
theta <- seq(30, 360, 60) * pi/180 
x     <- .mid + .mm(r * cos(theta))
y     <- .mid + .mm(r * sin(theta))
hex   <- ig_polygon(x, y, fill = 'blue')

# Random raster
ras <- ig_raster(
  image = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)

# Draw individually

# Mask the raster with the hex
masked <- igc_mask(ras, hex)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(masked)

Transform grobs by translation/rotation

# Template object that will be adapted
rect <- ig_rect(width = .cm(2), height = .cm(2), col = 'grey20')

# create grobs
N <- 160
color <- rainbow(N)
grobs <- lapply(seq(N), function(i) {
    x = -.mid + .mm(3 * i),
    y = .inch(sin(i/4)),
      angle = i * 2,
      igt_update(rect, fill = color[i])

# draw
grobs <-, grobs)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(grobs)

# Template object that will be adapted
rect <- ig_rect(width = .cm(1), height = .cm(1), col = 'white')

N     <- 160
color <- rainbow(N)

# Coords
r     <- .mm(40)
theta <- (seq(0, 360, length.out = N + 1) * pi/180 )[-1]
x     <- .mm(r * cos(theta + 0.2) + r * sin(3 * theta))
y     <- .mm(r * 0.8 * cos(2 * theta) + r * sin(theta))

# create grobs
grobs <- lapply(seq(N), function(i) {
    x = x[i],
    y = y[i],
      angle = i * 5,
      igt_update(rect, fill = color[i])

# draw
grobs <-, grobs)
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(grobs)


  • Include grobs from other sources:


  • R Core for developing and maintaining the language.
  • CRAN maintainers, for patiently shepherding packages onto CRAN and maintaining the repository