All functions |
Character representation of a grid pattern object |
Deregister the verbose printing methods |
Shortcut value for `unit(0.5, 'npc')` |
dotmm |
Simple wrapper for |
Update the values in a gpar object |
Create a rect grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Copy a grob to a new named object |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Alternate call for |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Create a grob |
Set a clip on an existing viewport |
grob operations using |
Invert the geometry of a grob |
Set a mask on an existing viewport or grob |
Stack multiple grobs toegher into a grobTree |
Functions for laying out multiple grobs |
Nested layout with an arbitrary |
Rotate a grob or viewport |
Translate a grob or viewport |
Update a grob/viewport |
Testing for grob types |
view a pattern |
Print a pattern |
print a grob a bit more verbose |
print a gpar a bit more verbose |
print a grob a bit more verbose |
print a grob a bit more verbose |
print a gpar a bit more verbose |
Register the verbose printing methods for grobs, polyclipgrobs, gTrres, gpars, and viewports |
Thing wrapper around |