In this vignette, we are going to:

  • generate a 25 x 40 character ASCII representation of the R logo
  • Incorporate that text into an R program using the c64asm package and the R-specific .rtext directive
  • Compile the code and run it in an emulator (VICE)

c64asm - Using the .rtext directive

One of the reasons to write this compiler in R is that R-specific ways of introducing data into the program can be included.

In this example, the .rtext directive is used to include text in a program that is taken directly from an R variable containing a string.

Create very small ASCII art (25 x 40)

  • See end of this vignette for the create_ascii_art() function which creates a 25 x 40 character matrix as an ascii version of the given image
  • Note: 25 x 40 is the height and width of the c64 character display.
im <- create_ascii_art(image  = jpeg::readJPEG(system.file('img/Rlogo.jpg',package='jpeg')))
cat(apply(im, 1, paste,collapse=''), sep='\n')
#>                  .:--::                 
#>             =+======+++++++*.           
#>          =================++++*-        
#>       .===-=++=--==+++*+++++==++*+      
#>      ===-*++::-++##%%%%%%###**++++*:    
#>     ==:*+=.:-*#%%             *#**+*=   
#>    =--*+..:+%#                   **+*#  
#>   ==**= :-%@   ..:.:::::::::::==   *+*: 
#>  =-=*= .*%.    .:+::::::::::::=*=*   +# 
#>  =.#=..-%%     .:+:::-++++=--:::==+   +.
#> :==*- .*@      .:+:::#+----*==:::=%   ++
#> :=+*: :##      .:+:::#-     =.:::-%   -*
#> .==*- :*#      .:+:::#-     : -:::%   --
#>  +=*=.:=%      .:+:::#:    :.*:: =@   = 
#>  :+++-.:#*     .:+:::-::::. %-: +%    % 
#>   ++++::=#     .:+:::-=====-.:+#@    =  
#>    =+++=:-+#   .:+::::=+=-:-#-     -%.  
#>     +*++==-=+= .:+::.#*==+=--:=+ -=@    
#>       **++===++=:+:::#-   ==--*=#%-     
#>         #**++===:+:::#*++++--:-=++      
#>           +##**=:+:::#+==+*+--::=*      
#>              .=+:+:::#%%%#. -+::-=#     
#>                .:+:::#-     =-:::-+#    
#>                .:::..#-      =-::::+    
#>                .-==-==.       -------

Incorporate text from R into a c64 program

  • The full character matrix is 1000 characters.
  • c64 is an 8bit computer (8bits = 0-255), so indexing into a vector that is 1000 long is not straightforward.
  • Split the text message into 4 vectors of 250 character each
# Convert to 4 strings, each with 250 chars, so that we can loop
# over them on an 8-bit computer
rchars    <- as.vector(t(im))
rmessage1 <- rchars[  1:250] %>% paste(collapse='')
rmessage2 <- rchars[251:500] %>% paste(collapse='')
rmessage3 <- rchars[501:750] %>% paste(collapse='')
rmessage4 <- rchars[751:999] %>% paste(collapse='')

asm <- '*=$0801
.byte $0c, $08, $0a, $00, $9e, $20  ; 10 SYS 2080
.byte $32, $30, $38, $30, $00, $00
.byte $00
  lda #$93              ; clear the screen
  jsr $ffd2

  lda #$0e              ; Switch to lowercase/upperase character mode
  jsr $ffd2

  lda #$01              ; set text to white
  sta $0286

  ldy #$00              ; initialise offset index
  loop1 lda message1,y  ; load the character in message1 at this offset
  jsr $ffd2             ; use kernal routine to put character on screen
  iny                   ; repeat ...
  cpy #$fa              ;        ... 250 times
  bne loop1

  ldy #$00              ; now do the same for message2 text
  lda message2,y
  jsr $ffd2
  cpy #$fa
  bne loop2

  ldy #$00              ; now do the same for message3 text
  lda message3,y
  jsr $ffd2
  cpy #$fa
  bne loop3

  ldy #$00              ; now do the same for message4 text
  lda message4,y
  jsr $ffd2
  cpy #$f9
  bne loop4

  jmp wait

  .rtext rmessage1   ; ".rtext" instructions are directives to include the contents of a string from R at this location
  .rtext rmessage2
  .rtext rmessage3
  .rtext rmessage4

Compile ASM code to PRG


prg <- c64asm::compile(asm)

Run code in an emulator


# Start VICE with 'x64sc -binarymonitor'
# Then transfer bytes to VICE and run the program with the following: