Symbol and PC arithmetic

  • To make writing code easier, most 6502 assemblers support arithmetic on symbols and the program counter.
  • These calculations are resolved at compile time
  • This is useful for:
    • jumping to a location 10 bytes ahead: jmp {.* + 10}
    • indexing byte offset from a known location: lda {message + 20}
  • c64asm allows
    • bare symbols to refer to values e.g. border
    • use of .* to refer to the current address at the start of this instruction
    • arithmetic on the symbols must be wrapped in {}
  • Internally, the contents of {} are evaluated with eval(parse(text=...)) with an environment consisting of all known variables and the current address

asm <- '
  .byte $0c, $08, $0a, $00, $9e, $20
  .byte $32, $30, $38, $30, $00, $00
  .byte $00

border = $d020         ; use a variable/symbol for the border colour memory loation

      lda #$93         ; Clear the screen
      jsr $ffd2

      inc border       ; increment the memory location responsible for border colour
      inc {border + 1} ; increase the memory location at `border+1` i.e. $d021 (screen colour)
      dec {border + 1} ; decrease it
      jmp {.* + 6}     ; skip 6 bytes ahead from the start of this line
      jmp {crap - 3}   ; jmp to the location 3 bytes before `crap` i.e. `loop`

Compile ASM code to PRG


# compile
prg <- c64asm::compile(asm)
head(prg, 100)

Run code in an emulator


# Start VICE with 'x64sc -binarymonitor'
# Then transfer bytes to VICE and run the program with the following: