An attempt at a 3d version of Minard’s visualisation of Napoleon’s 1812 march with geom_line_3d()

library(HistData) # for Minard datasets

# Keep only the main group
minard <- Minard.troops[Minard.troops$group == 1, ]

# Create a plot with `geom_path_3d`
p <- ggplot(minard) +
    aes(long, lat, z = survivors),
        extrude = TRUE, extrude_edge_colour = 'grey20', extrude_face_fill = 'grey80',
    extrude_edge_alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_text(data = Minard.cities, aes(long, lat, label = city)) + 
  geom_point(data = Minard.cities, aes(long, lat), colour = 'red') + 
  theme_ggrgl() +  
    title = "Napoleon's 1812 March - Height indicates the size of the army",
    subtitle = "ggrgl::geom_path_3d() with {devoutrgl}"

# Render Plot in 3d with {devoutrgl}
devoutrgl::rgldev(fov = 30, view_angle = -30)

Use your mouse, mouse buttons and scrollwheel to manipulate the 3d plot