The hershey
package contains the Hershey vector fonts in a number of formats for more convenient use within Rstats.
The Hershey fonts were developed in the 1960s. Each glyph is defined as collections of staight line segments - hand calculated by Hershey by sketching them on grid paper!
This package makes available the coordinates of the stroke endpoints for every glyph.
You may need this package if:
- you like retro vector fonts
- you need a vector font so you can have complete control of the output
Slideshow (click to open/close)

Animated Rendering 1 (click to open/close)

Animated Rendering 2 (click to open/close)

You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
What’s in the box:
: the original encoding for every glyph (See the vignette for how to parse).hershey
: a data.frame of the vector strokes for every glyph.hershey_svg
: a list of SVG paths for every glyph.
Glyph Representations
The following are examples of the representation of the letter A
(glyph 34 in the rowmant
- First 4 strokes in the data.frame representation
hershey %>%
filter(font == 'rowmant', char == 'A') %>%
filter(stroke %in% 0:3)
# A tibble: 8 x 11
x y left right width stroke idx glyph font ascii char
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <fct> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 0 12 -10 10 20 0 1 34 rowmant 65 A
2 -7 -8 -10 10 20 0 2 34 rowmant 65 A
3 -1 9 -10 10 20 1 3 34 rowmant 65 A
4 5 -9 -10 10 20 1 4 34 rowmant 65 A
5 0 9 -10 10 20 2 5 34 rowmant 65 A
6 6 -9 -10 10 20 2 6 34 rowmant 65 A
7 0 12 -10 10 20 3 7 34 rowmant 65 A
8 7 -9 -10 10 20 3 8 34 rowmant 65 A
- Original encoding
- SVG Path version
[1] "M0-12L-7 8M-1-9L5 9M0-9L6 9M0-12L7 9M-5 3L4 3M-9 9L-3 9M2 9L9 9M-7 8L-8 9M-7 8L-5 9M5 8L3 9M5 7L4 9M6 7L8 9"
Drawing strokes with ggplot
hershey %>%
filter(font == 'rowmant', char == 'A') %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y, group = stroke)) +
geom_path() +
geom_point() +
coord_equal() +
Font Sample Sheets
Font sample sheets show the representation of every glyph in a font. Click to view the sample sheets for every font in PDF format.
Example font: Cursive (click to reveal)

Example: All the ’A’s
glyph_df <- hershey %>%
filter(char == 'A')
ggplot(glyph_df) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = stroke)) +
coord_equal() +
theme_void() +
Example: Futura!
glyph_df <- hershey %>%
filter(font == 'futuram', glyph %in% c(32:46))
ggplot(glyph_df) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = stroke)) +
coord_equal() +
theme_void() +
facet_wrap(~glyph, labeller = label_both, ncol = 5)
Example: Render text string
The function create_string_df()
will create a data.frame of all the characters
in the given string. It will offset each character by the known widths of the
preceding characters to create a well-spaced set of points.
string_df <- hershey::create_string_df(text = "#RStats", font = 'cursive')
ggplot(string_df, aes(x, y, group = interaction(char_idx, stroke))) +
geom_path() +
geom_point(size = 1) +
coord_equal() +
- Wikipedia
- A great presentation about Hershey and the era of the font
- Paul Burke’s description of the format
- A more modern vector font by inconvergent: gridfont
Logo design
The logo is just the letter H
from the rowmant
font. Each stroke is coloured
by the stroke number within the glyph and the endpoints are shown.
Use Restrictions on Hershey Fonts
Totally free (except if you convert them to the proprietary US NTIS format)
The following use restriction was noted in the original font distribution.
USE RESTRICTION: This distribution of the Hershey Fonts may be used by anyone for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, providing that: 1. The following acknowledgements must be distributed with the font data: - The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr. A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S. National Bureau of Standards. - The format of the Font data in this distribution was originally created by James Hurt Cognition, Inc. 900 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA 01821 (mit-eddie!ci-dandelion!hurt) 2. The font data in this distribution may be converted into any other format *EXCEPT* the format distributed by the U.S. NTIS (which organization holds the rights to the distribution and use of the font data in that particular format). Not that anybody would really *want* to use their format... each point is described in eight bytes as "xxx yyy:", where xxx and yyy are the coordinate values as ASCII numbers.