# Only include fonts that have ASCII characters which make sense for this
fontnames <- unique(hershey$font)
fontnames <- setdiff(fontnames, c('japanese', 'japanese2', 'markers', 'mathlow',
'mathupp', 'symbolic', 'gothitt', 'greek',
'greekc', 'greeks', 'timesg', 'cyrilc_1',
'cyrillic', 'gothgrt', 'gothgbt', 'scripts'))
for (idx in seq_along(fontnames)) {
text <- 'Hershey'
font <- fontnames[idx]
string_df <- create_string_df(text = text, font = font)
p <- ggplot(string_df) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = interaction(char_idx, stroke))) +
coord_equal(xlim = c(-10, 130), ylim = c(-25, 15)) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = font)
filename <- paste0("man/figures/fontname/", font, ".png")
ggsave(filename, p, width = 10, height = 4)
# Create a data.frame of strokes to render
text <- 'Hershey'
font <- 'cursive'
string_df <- create_string_df(text = text, font = font)
# Render strokes 2 at a time (to keep the final gif size down)
for (ii in seq(1, nrow(string_df), 2)) {
plot_df <- string_df %>% slice(seq(ii))
p <- ggplot(plot_df) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = interaction(char_idx, stroke))) +
coord_equal(xlim = c(-10, 80), ylim = c(-25, 15)) +
filename <- sprintf("man/figures/fontdraw/%s-%03i.png", font, ii)
ggsave(filename, p, width = 6, height = 2)
# Create a data.frame of all strokes to render
text <- 'Hershey'
font <- 'timesrb'
string_df <- create_string_df(text = text, font = font)
# Within each character, calculate the 'scale' of each point as the fraction
# of the total points in that character.
string_df %<>% group_by(char_idx) %>% mutate(scale = row_number()/n()) %>% ungroup()
# Render the entire set of points in 25 steps
for (ii in seq(0, 1, length.out = 25)) {
plot_df <- string_df %>% filter(scale <= ii)
p <- ggplot(plot_df) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = interaction(char_idx, stroke))) +
coord_equal(xlim = c(-10, 130), ylim = c(-25, 15)) +
filename <- sprintf("man/figures/fontdraw2/%s-%03i.png", font, round(ii * 100))
ggsave(filename, p, width = 6, height = 1.5)