
JHF - Hershey Font File format

The Hershey Font File format (.jhf) is a text file with encodings for all the glyphs in the font.

The text is hard-wrapped at 72 characters-per-line, so longer glyphs get split across multiple lines.

Glyph Encoding

The following is from Paul Bourke’s dataformats page.

The structure is basically as follows:

Position Interpretation
0-4 Identifier (integer) - not unique!
5-7 Number of vertices (integer)
8 Left position
9 Right position
Every pair of characters represents a vertex

All vertex coordinates are given as a pair of characters. The numeric value of each vertex its ASCII value relative to the ASCII value of ‘R’.

The vertex coordinate of " R" indicates a pen up operation i.e. the drawing pen moves to the next location, but does not draw a stroke.

As an example consider the glyph: 8 9MWOMOV RUMUV ROQUQ

  • ID = 8
  • Number of vertices = 9 - this means there are a total of 2*9 = 18 characters to decode.
  • Left position = ‘M’ (ASCII = 77). Relative to ‘R’ (ASCII = 82), this is -5
  • Right position = ‘W’ (ASCII = 87). Relative to ‘R’ = +5
  • First coordinate is “OM” = (-3,-5)
  • Second coordinate is “OV” = (-3,4)
  • Raise the pen " R"
  • Move to “UM” = (3,-5)
  • Draw to “UV” = (3,4)
  • Raise the pen " R"
  • Move to “OQ” = (-3,-1)
  • Draw to “UQ” = (3,-1)

This glyph string can be converted to a data.frame (using hershey::convert_glyph_to_df()) and plotted with ggplot.