Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Fixes bug in “image” pattern when pattern_type = "tile" (#37). Transparent parts of tiled images are now consistently transparent. We now support the pattern_gravity aesthetic when pattern_type = "tile".

Breaking changes

  • To turn off “clipping” certain built-in patterns with the new R 4.1 graphic features and instead use a raster image approximation one should now use options(ggpattern_use_R4.1_masks = FALSE) instead of options(ggpattern_use_R4.1_clipping = FALSE). Alternatively, using options(ggpattern_use_R4.1_features = FALSE) to turn off all R 4.1 features will continue to work.

  • {ggpattern} removes the following data/functions which were deprecated in a previous version of {ggpattern}:

  • Defunct functions are no longer exported.

New features

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • geom_sf_pattern() and geom_polygon_pattern() now support polygons with holes by using “alpha masking” instead of a “clipping path”. If R 4.1 alpha mask feature is not supported by the active graphics device (or the masking feature is declined) we use a raster image approximation of the pattern. Resolution of the raster approximation can be adjusted by the pattern_res aesthetic whose default in turn can be adjusted by the "ggpattern_res" global option.

    This change fixes patterns filling holed polygons in certain graphic devices (#68). This change fixes patterns sometimes escaping plot window (#60).

  • draw_key_polygon_pattern(), GeomMapPattern, GeomPolygonPattern, and GeomSfPattern now draws a “border” grob on top of the “pattern” grob (#72).

  • Continuous “pattern_colour”, “pattern_fill”, and “pattern_fill2” color scales’ default “colourbar” guide support should now work.

  • scale_pattern_size_continuous() now uses “pattern_size” aesthetic instead of “size” aesthetic in underlying ggplot2::continuous_scale() call.

  • We now export scale_pattern_alpha() which is an alias of scale_pattern_alpha_continuous().

Breaking changes

{ggpattern} removes the following data/functions which were deprecated in a previous version of {ggpattern}:

Deprecated features

{ggpattern} now deprecates the following data/functions, they may be removed in a future version of {ggpattern}:

New features

  • {ggpattern} now supports the following aesthetics (#45):

    • pattern_grid: Supported by most “geometry” patterns. Default is “square” while “hex” and “hex_circle” allow hexagonal layouts.
    • pattern_res: Supported by “array” patterns. Allow user to explicitly set resolution of image-based patterns.
    • pattern_rot: Used by “pch”, “regular_polygon”, “rose”, and “text” patterns to rotate symbol within pattern. ‘rot’ is parameter used in grid:textGrob() to indicate rotation and pattern_angle already used to rotate entire pattern.

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • geom_polygon_pattern() and geom_sf_pattern() now support polygons with holes (#26, #44). If R 4.1 clipping features are not supported by the graphic device (or the clipping feature is declined) we must use a raster image approximation of the pattern. Resolution of the raster approximation can be adjusted by the pattern_res aesthetic whose default in turn can be adjusted by the "ggpattern_res" global option.

Breaking changes

{ggpattern} now uses {gridpattern} to generate pattern grobs. This means there are minor tweaks to visual behavior:

  • ‘pattern_spacing’, ‘pattern_xoffset’, and ‘pattern_yoffset’ are now interpreted as ‘spnc’ units instead of ‘npc’ units. and the center of the pattern “grid” is now the center of the viewport. To exactly restore the original appearance of {ggpattern} “geometry” patterns one may need to tweak the ‘pattern_density’, ‘pattern_spacing’, ‘pattern_xoffset’, and/or ‘pattern_yoffset’ aesthetics.
  • The resolution of “array” patterns should be close but not identical to before.
    In particular placeholder images will likely be different.
  • Custom {ggpattern} patterns can no longer use the same name as a {ggpattern} / {gridpattern} builtin pattern and an error will be thrown if you try to do so.

The following functions copied from {ggplot2} are no longer exported by {ggpattern}:

Deprecated features

{ggpattern} now deprecates the following data/functions, they may be removed in a future version of {ggpattern}:

New features

  • {ggpattern} now supports all patterns provided by {gridpattern}. In particular {gridpattern} provides the following “new” patterns:

    • “ambient” (the suggested package ambient must be installed)
    • “pch”
    • “polygon_tiling”
    • “regular_polygon”
    • “rose”
    • “text”
    • “wave”
    • “weave”
  • ‘pattern_fill2’ can now be used to set the fill for the vertical lines in the ‘crosshatch’ pattern.
    By default, if unset, it uses ‘pattern_fill’ (#35).

  • ‘circle’ pattern can now be adjusted by ‘pattern_type’ and ‘pattern_subtype’. See help("grid.pattern_circle", package = "gridpattern") for more info.

  • ‘gradient’ pattern can now use grid gradient feature introduced in R v4.1.0 if options(ggpattern_use_R4.1_gradients = TRUE).

  • The following package options can now be set by options():

    • ggpattern_use_R4.1_clipping If TRUE use the grid clipping path feature introduced in R v4.1.0 else do a rasterGrob approximation of the clipped pattern.
    • ggpattern_use_R4.1_features If TRUE sets the default for all the other ggpattern_use_R4.1_* options arguments to TRUE.
    • ggpattern_use_R4.1_gradients If TRUE use the grid gradient feature introduced in R v4.1.0 else do a rasterGrob approximation of the gradient pattern.
    • ggpattern_use_R4.1_masks If TRUE use the grid mask feature introduced in R v4.1.0. Available for use in custom patterns.
    • ggpattern_use_R4.1_patterns If TRUE use the grid pattern feature introduced in R v4.1.0. Available for use in custom patterns.

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • ‘pattern_alpha’ default is now NA (preserve any alpha transparency in pattern_fill, pattern_fill2, and pattern_colour colors) rather than 1 (set them fully opaque).
  • ‘circle’ pattern can now be adjusted by ‘pattern_xoffset’ and ‘pattern_yoffset’.
  • Fix issue with attempts to fill an area with a pattern when it has zero area. (Issue #9)
  • Initial release