
This vignette shows how to:

  • write a create_pattern() function of the correct signature for a geometry-based pattern
  • Instruct ggpattern on where to find this user defined pattern

Write the geometry-based pattern function

All geometry-based pattern creation functions must:

  1. Have the exact function signature: function(params, boundary_df, aspect_ratio, legend)
    • params - parameters from the geom (the aesthetics) e.g pattern_fill
    • boundary_df - data.frame containing polygon information i.e. The polygon_df format.
    • aspect_ratio - the best guess that ggpattern is able to make as to the aspect ratio of the viewport in which this pattern is being rendered.
    • legend logical value to indicate whether or not this function is being called to render a key legend or the in-place geom fill.
  2. Return a grid grob object. This can be any valid grob including a grid::grobTree()

Parameters for this pattern:

  • pattern_shape to indicate the character to use for plotting
  • pattern_size size of the plotted character
  • pattern_fill colour of the character
  • pattern_alpha character transparence
#' Create a single character pointsGrob at the cenroid of the geom area
#' @param params params/coords for a single element. named list or single row data.frame
#' @param boundary_df mask for the pattern rendering
#' @param aspect_ratio a aspect ratio of the plotting area.
#' @param legend is the pattern being created in the legend? default FALSE.
#'  Use this flag if you want different pattern drawing behaviour for the legend.
#' @return grid grob object
centroid_dot_pattern <- function(params, boundary_df, aspect_ratio, legend) {
  # Convert the simple `boundary_df` polygon information into a 
  # simple features polygon object i.e. {sf}
  boundary_sf <- ggpattern::convert_polygon_df_to_polygon_sf(boundary_df)
  # Now that we have the boundary as an {sf} object, we can use a simple
  # features' function to find the centroid
  centroid    <- sf::st_centroid(boundary_sf)
  # Create a single character at the cenroid
    x    = centroid[1],
    y    = centroid[2],
    pch  = params$pattern_shape,
    size = unit(params$pattern_size, 'char'),
    gp   = grid::gpar(
      col = ggplot2::alpha(params$pattern_fill, params$pattern_alpha)

Let {ggpattern} know that there’s an external pattern function it can use

A global option (ggpattern_geometry_funcs) is a named list which contains geometry-based pattern creating functions to use outside of ggpattern.

The name used in this list corresponds to the pattern name used with the geom - in this case we will be using pattern = 'centroid'.

options(ggpattern_geometry_funcs = list(centroid = centroid_dot_pattern))

Use this centroid pattern

There is an included pattern = 'none' in ggpattern.

Here, a verbose version of the ‘none’ pattern is created. It still just returns an empty grob, but as a side-effect prints out the parameters set for this object.

df <- data.frame(
  trt     = c("a", "b", "c"), 
  outcome = c(2.3, 1.9, 3.2)

ggplot(df, aes(trt, outcome)) +
      fill          = trt,
      pattern_shape = trt,
      pattern_fill  = trt
    colour          = 'black',
    pattern         = 'centroid',
    pattern_size    = 3
  ) +
  theme_bw(15) +
    title    = "ggpattern::geom_col_pattern()",
    subtitle = "pattern = 'centroid'"
  ) +
  scale_pattern_fill_viridis_d() + 
  theme(legend.key.size = unit(2, 'cm')) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1/2)
#> Loading required namespace: sf

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